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Everything posted by ginHigure

  1. ginHigure

    Knows today is a very happy day for me
  2. ginHigure

    don't know just heard it around and that is why im asking!
  3. ginHigure

    I like her in any way she is! And im really looking forward to this!
  4. ginHigure

    KEEP new boyfriend?
  5. ginHigure

  6. ginHigure

    keep walking on a rainy day!
  7. ginHigure

    KICK! the gym?
  8. ginHigure

    NOPE, i want to tho! Concentration Camps?
  9. ginHigure

    kick! Funny comics?
  10. ginHigure

    agrees with me
  11. ginHigure

    keep revenge?
  12. ginHigure

    Knows that maybe because we are nice people and they just want to play around and not care of others feelings!
  13. ginHigure

    the korean group then yes, if supernova as in the cosmos effect also yes! Dollis Marry?
  14. ginHigure

    Keep Inception?
  15. ginHigure

    knows that those people play around with you and lie to you!
  16. ginHigure

    doesnt know that people like to use me around and then dispose of me as they please!
  17. ginHigure

    keep fruits?
  18. ginHigure

    will cheer me up?
  19. ginHigure

    KICK! Batman?
  20. ginHigure

    KEEP!!! Kip from Futurama?
  21. ginHigure

    KICK! Futurama?
  22. ginHigure

    KEEP, looks very cool! MTV True Life?
  23. ginHigure

    Knows, i a bit sad today?
  24. ginHigure

    YESSSSSSSSS! so i could get down faster ever skate boarded?
  25. ginHigure

    knows that both of our siggys freeze this page a bit!
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