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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Current Gender: The handheld camera used for Occult Proposal

  2. Sorry I haven't been around much. I had a really bad week and ended up getting rid of someone extremely evil.

  3. awesome :D i'm excited!

  4. New apartment this weekend! I am so excited!

  5. Note to self. Install last.fm on the new pc. I'm very behind on there. Apologies to anyone who has added me.

  6. I wonder if I should change my name on here....

  7. INKT's new mini is pretty fantastic! Such great flow~

  8. no context just go
  9. aww yisssss he is back

  10. 44+ hours next week and I'm still recovering from the 50+ from last week... looks like i need to look into sleep meds again

  11. dat groove

    gonna keep my eye on asa for sure
  12. Ikki you're amazing and I love you. Been looking for those disco's for ages!

  13. I'm back to life after an insane amount of holiday work.

  14. will finish tomorrow after work. list almost done.

  15. now for part two and hopefully the finisher to the list

  16. Thank you everyone who took a look at the magical music tour~

  17. Anyone else going to the LA concert? Wiltern is a pretty awesome venue. Let me know if you are going and we can share hotel costs and anything else.

  18. The hype is always real.

  19. Thank you very much everyone who is giving me all these UNDERCODE feels... I love you...

  20. Will be doing my sales review soon!

  21. Current Sexuality:

  22. Figured out the problem! Thanks for the help!

  23. Everything is finally working out for the better! Thank you MH for your part :D

  24. Can I please stop feeling so damn sick all of the time lately?

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