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Posts posted by RonB

  1. I am interested in a few items from http://aduma8.shop-pro.jp/ and asked an auction deputy to see if they could buy from that store and if they could ask for pictures. A week later they told me that the shop had not replied yet and they think that I should not trust this shop.

    So what is your opinion, did you ever buy there and is it reliable?

  2. Hi, I am still after some demo cd's and cassettes by メトロノーム (metronome).
    Now since it is not well documented which ones were released, I will list those that I have, so please contact me when you have one that is not on the list:

    [1998.02.22] プラネット (released under the bandname ピコピコポン)
    [1999.02.20] 8bitガールズ ブラボー
    [2000.05.07] 致死量フリーク (note; three versions exist and I have all three)
    [2001.02.09] プラネット
    [2001.02.22] 世界はみんな僕の敵
    [2001.04.06] レリジョン
    [2001.xx.xx] 東京バビロン (no idea when this was released, but at least between 04/2001 and 12/2001)
    [2002.01.26] プチ天変地異 (issued in at least three different colors, green, blue and yellow. I have the green one)


    [1999.07.26] Single Top Religion

    [2000.12.09] プラネット
    [2002.09.15] 残念僕の人生。
    [2003.10.25] コンピューター

    [2004.06.27] 東京バビロン

    Now I am aware that a few are available at puresound.co.jp, yet those prices are a bit too steep IMO (I bought two there though :)).

    Appreciate any feedback!

    Edit #1: Added three new ones to the collection, a fourth one is on its way.

    Edit #2: Added one new item to the collection.

    Edit #3: Added one new item to the collection.

    Edit #4: Added one new item to the collection.

    Edit #5: Added two new items to the collection.

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