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Everything posted by lilychuu

  1. lilychuu

    8'D Thankyoouu~
  2. lilychuu

    i LOVE Amy Lee's voice -___-"
  3. lilychuu

    Nanchatte Renai- Morning Musume (Watch no one know this song or group 8DD)
  4. lilychuu

    Mmm.. i also stalk Gackt, Siam Shade, hAngry&Angry, and a lott of J-pop stuff xD I listen to really anything and everything, xD;; But my obsessive stalking is reserved for few 8'D" And thankyooouu, the pic is of me~
  5. lilychuu

    O.M.G. weijgvhsbd -flops around- I love them, thankyou!~
  6. lilychuu

    Thankyoouu ♥
  7. lilychuu

    Can you make me a Maihro x Mitsuki siggyyy?~
  8. lilychuu

    Can you make siggies?
  9. lilychuu

    ♥ i hope so~ I'm seriously like 90 pounds so the guy i used to like is giving me shit about it ._.
  10. lilychuu

    I had this dream that someone would like me. Then i realized i'm flat. So i shall live in this thread forever~
  11. lilychuu

    ANYTHING by Avex -___-" i got an account deleted..
  12. lilychuu

    Hurrr. ^Me and Mahiro Kurosaki. We're clearly in love if you can't tell. ^Yurrr ima tiny white gurl.
  13. lilychuu

    Hello ;D I've been silently stalking this forum for a while, and so i finally had my friend make me an account~ Uhh xD You can call me Lily, Awaka, Allison, whatever i really don't care Uhhhm Mahiro is my hubbyyy and that's all there is to know about me!
  14. lilychuu

    IT DOES SOUND LIKE SUPER BASS. She could do better -___-" I still will probably end up running around singing this (and pronouncing half it wrong)
  15. lilychuu

  16. lilychuu

    Ahh Lily i love thesee~ Just went through and saved like half of them xD MAHIRRROOO LOOKS SO HAWT IN THESE -dies-
  17. lilychuu

    LOLOL MY DRAGON. Ohgod i hope they don't >.< IF they do, i'll flop on the ground crying..
  18. P.S. Not sure if my messages are sending xD Outbox = sent? Or do i fail? XD
  19. Um... Hi >.< I'm interested in the Kiryu, would i be able to get it? <3
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