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Posts posted by lilychuu

  1. Other bands i hate





    Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas


    the GazettE (Used to love these guys)

    X Japan (Used to love these guys too)


    Haha i don't like AKB48 either ;w;

  2. Anyway, I'm extremely glad and excited it was good news! 47 one-mans sounds ridiculous, but I'm looking forward to the album!

    @lilychuu, I'm sure the album will be available on CDJapan/yesasia, which both do overseas shipping.

    It always is, that's where I bought their other albums.

    Great news. Finally, a good band that lasts a few years.

    FF- i wish i would've known about this, usually i spend long ammounts of time hunting google to get stuff xD That's how i found this forum~ :spin:

  3. Well I was dissappointed to see a few people saying if the drummer or bassist left it would have little affect? I must say that's rather mean and shallow. They do just as much as the other members and if any of them left it would have the same amount of impact!

    I swear ugh...they are all very important and it would have emotional impact on the other members if anybody left... There for that could result in an even bigger impact!!

    THANKYOU!!!! I love Hiyori & Junji, i'd be pisseeed to see either of them go!!!!


    And homg i'm not the only one who thinnks Hangry&angry are beautiful? XD YOSSIIEEE.

    I'd love to get J-rock styled hair, but my hair only looks good long so xD I got a pink streak (Clip-in) that matches Hiyori's color though cuz he's so pretty.. i wanna be pretty xD I feel like i'm TOO skinny to pull anything off ._. i don't cosplay cuz it's impossible to find stuff in XXXXXXXXXS

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