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Posts posted by ssxon

  1. @Neon: If you never tried it, you should play DMC 3. It's the best of them all, and I've gotta say I was very disappointed with DMC 2. Dante's just not in his character at all, the game lost its epicness because of his lack of sarcasm. But 3 beats all of them, really. :mrgreen:

  2. That's exactly what I thought when reading those. It's true some "confessions" are harmless, kinda cute (like that 'I want to give Reita an eskimo kiss.') although very improbable. It's when something like 'I want to see Aoi in a porno involving fried chicken.' appears, I just can't not be a little disturbed. Dumping the rest very explicit stuff in... hm, not.

    Doesn't help the feeling when I hate to criticize. Neither the knowledge that I'm never going to look at fried chicken and without remembering these sad things. :oro:

  3. I'm speechless as a GazettE fan. Really, these people are not normal.

    :shock: Who let's them just roam around like that? I can imagine PS Company just demanding their accounts banned from tumblr, if they even knew about this...

    *scarred for life on K-Pop* And here I thought I'd seen everything of extreme on tanuki... :emo:

  4. Thanks for the welcome!

    I promise I'll think on some songs for a mix, Zesshoku, although I still need to get a little bit more acquainted with other bands.

    And yes, I know D, and I totally understand sai... because Asagi's voice is just... wow. The first time I listened to them I was "Here we go for another one: amazing or just downright failure?"... I don't need to say I spent an entire week listening nonstop to Asagi's 'Corvinus' / 'Unknown' and D's 'Kaze ga Mekuro Peji' / 'Akaki Hitsuji ni Yoru Bansakai'... Their 'Day by Day' is also cool, but I like Asagi's voice in a darker theme. It's a voice like no other, though, and it was one band I was very satisfied with. :)

  5. Thank you very much! I scrolled up and down, seeing the various mixes (couldn't hide a laugh from Yasuhiro's "Worst of Visual Kei", 'cause I did try two of those bands... and I can't imagine the rest :lol:) From the other albuns I knew some bands (like 9GOATS / BUCK-TICK / D'espairsRay, which I do love as well) and I'm going to try them!

    Wow...there are so many...

  6. Hi there everyone! I'm Xon, the newbie. My all-time favourite band is -&-Eccentric Agent (the one band that took my interest deeper into J-rock/Visual Kei)...which was weird seeing at first... but now I strive to find new bands everyday. Other than -&-, there's also the GazettE (obvious, eh), -OZ-, BORN, Alice Nine, Exist Trace, and pretty much those that have a powerful sound.

    Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. (I'm also learning japanese right now) :D

    At last, I have to say I simply fell in love with this icon: :300:

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