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Everything posted by Caution

  1. Caution

    The only Japanese CDs I've bought brand new from a store are Rendez Blue and Emerald from Vrain. They were 1500 and 2000 yen instead of 2000 or 2500 and 3000+ like most other CDs. It was still about $40 for both CDs and EMS shipping (I couldn't use SAL or other cheap shipping). This was in early 2008 before everything really went down the crapper. 3000 yen CDs were like $26 in 2003 or 2004 or something. It was way too much then and $37 is way too much now. Luckily I don't listen to much new music. Most of my collection is from eBay. I do own one Korean version of a Japanese album. I was thinking of buying more but Annyoung closed down before I could.
  2. Caution

    The Harem Q - Opium They have a whopping 76 listeners on Last.fm. What a shame. Sakura from L'Arc~en~Ciel, Rouge from Billy and the Sluts, and Marquee from Speed-iD. I'm not good at describing music so listen to it...or don't. I can't force you. http://www.mmcafe.com/nico.html#http:// ... nm17515926
  3. Caution

    Matina sucks fucking dick. I like listening to omnibus albums and every time I listen to a Matina album I want to kill myself. Luckily I've learned my lesson and will not be listening to any more of Matina's smelly excretions. The only good band to be on that piece of shit label was vellaDonna. X Japan should have stayed dead. Every single thing about the reunion is terrible. Why did this band get huge instead of a better one like Aion? Maybe it was the ballads. I hope hide likes the taste of piss because there's plenty of it seeping through the dirt. Kneuklid Romance's music was pretty unbearable ever since they released Chain but they decided to make it even worse by hiring some fruitcake oshare kei looking guy/kid for a vocalist. Dir en grey's post-Vulgar music. CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA RAAAAWWWRRRRRRARARARARARRRRRRR UUUHHHHH UUUUHHHHRRRRRR. I kinda hoped that they would cut that shit out after a couple albums but they're still doing it. It would be an improvement if they became a Kuroyume cover band again. The Dead Pop Stars' post-DPS music. Everything from 1992-1996 was great. DPS was a sign of the decline and then they went full awful band with Heart Break Bandits. What a shame.
  4. Caution

    Most visual kei made after 1999 or so tends to be so awful that I make an active effort to avoid it. I keep up with Aion and Vrain and not much else.
  5. Caution

    Aion - Gilles de Rais - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9cUtZD_ksE Zedekiah -
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