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Posts posted by momiyuki

  1. 「今回の脱退に伴いましてBAELSCOPEは今の五人が存在してこそのBAELSCOPEでありましたので残ったメンバーで話し合った結果、BAELSCOPEというバンド名を封印させていただき、新たにバンド名を改名し活動をさせて頂くこととなりました。新しいバンド名は決まり次第、発表させて頂きます」

    ↑ also says that the remaining 3 band members (IC, Reira, Nao) will continue on the band under a new band name that has not yet been decided

  2. So it's a disbandment or a hiatus ?

    「SPIV STATESは少しお休みしたい…」

    "spiv states will take a break"

    from the entry, it's not clear, what the details are, but there will be more announcements in the future. Jun just put this out there for his fans on his blog first it seems. but if he is leaving Maverick and starting from scratch, my guess is he would change the band name. whether this is a "hiatus" or "disbandment"...i'm not sure. the words 「解散 kaisan」 and 「活動休止 katsudoukyuushi」 were not used in the entry, but rather starting "new activities".

  3. According to Jun's blog written on 4/28, Spiv States will cease activities soon, leave Maverick DC's "Cloud" record label↓

    「現在、SPIV STATESのJUNとして活動していますが、SPIV STATESは少しお休みしたいと思います。

    MAVERICK DC GROUPのCLOUDに所属していましたが、事務所を放れる事になりました。



    ↑ the main announcement

    the blog itself is really long but... 「ファンのみんなへ」→ http://secret.ameba.jp/spivstates-jun/amemberentry-11235262481.html (you may have to be in Jun's community to see the page)

    ① Jun states that he wanted to reorganize his life and start fresh with the new year (spring). However, he has not had a lot of luck finding good band members.

    ② He continues to say that he has had some apprehenshion about his singing voice. Although he feels he has improved, and was encouraged by Iori (ex-Phantasmagoria, ex-Spiv States), it seems he will be focusing mainly on playing guitar in the future.

    ③ He will be starting from 0 with some really great guys(^-^)






    "I am really excited about all of this.

    And, so that all of you, the fans, can feel this excitment, I will continue on with my efforts.

    So, I would like for you all to wait for me until we can meet again.

    There will be more announcements in the near future.



    ★source: Jun's Ameblo http://ameblo.jp/spivstates-jun/

  4. There seems to be some sort of funny looking news (?) on their OHP after today's concert.


    ...can someone please translate? ^^

    this is kinda funny...but they really seem to be fooling around with the fans@_@ there have been a lot of "rumors" going around (=fans speculating what the heck cali gari are doing), so they made up this mock tabloid/news article to make everyone go crazy. it's weird...they mention mind control, aliens, lovers from taiwan, urban myths...

    i'm new to cali, so i'm not sure about all of the background infor but:

    ① the album 「11」 was apparently not the number "11", but it meant 一時停止→pause...so it meant "activity pause"

    ②on the 4th of April, they will reveal more about what all this means

    hope that helps out some(o^-')b

  5. yeah, i follow their official blog all the time↓



    "After our one-man tour starting in March, we will commence a 'live activity pause'...The reason behind this decision is that we feel that after pushing forward at a breakneck pace for 3 years, releasing a lot of material and changing band members, we think it is now necessary to take a break, during which we can give birth to the new Chemical Pictures and each member can level up individually"

    and yes, they used the word "level up"( ´艸`) also, the concept of a "live activity pause"(=ライブ活動休止・停止) is the exact same thing Laruku did a few years ago. i really don't think there is any need for worrying(^-^)it would be kinda nice if the title of this thread could be changed to "Chemical Pictures will be on a live activity pause" though...(;^ω^A


    their members have clarified that the band will pause live performance after their fan-club trip at 2012/06/23-06/24 for preparation of their future musical activities and enhancement of their skills

    ↑didn't notice this...sorry(^o^;)

    source: 「いつもケミカルピクチャーズを応援してくれる皆へ」→ http://ameblo.jp/cps-official/entry-11171004671.html

  6. i see well fair enough...though that album was the first i heard of them...the first song i remember hearing was EDP ..and i was in love with the guitar play and way the song changed tempo many times within the song ..which is smth they do alot and one of the things i love most... a song of theirs will start off one way and then suddenly change and that sudden changes mixed with youjirou's funny vocals equals a win with me - and then to balance that they have few folkier more laid back songs that add a great sese of balance for their albums as a whole


    and Yojirou used to live in the states, so he's english is really good. he also went to a prett good college and writes some of the deeprst, smartest lyrics. when Mr.Chilred were asked which band they would like to do a cover of, they mentiond RAD(o^-')b

    狭心症 (kyoushinshou)...it's a term for a heart condition, but in this dense it refers to phrase, 「心が狭い社会 (kokoro ga shakai)」=a closed minded society.

    the PV is pretty eye-opening 0_0

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