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Posts posted by theburiedmaiden

  1. My native language is English but since my mother and my entire family on her side are from Spain, I learned Spanish as well growing up.

    Of course I've always wanted to learn Japanese and can speak/understand very little from what I've picked up through music and movies.

    I have all the criteria I need to get started on basic Japanese, just never found the time to with my busy schedule.

    ..... One day I will make this dream happen! :angely:

  2. Hi~! My name is Nika,

    I'm 22 years old and I live in Texas.

    I love Japanese music and fashion!

    Some of my favorite bands are:

    lynch., Kagerou, the studs, SADS, 12012, Acid Black Cherry, Deadman.

    ETC. I enjoy so many that I simply cannot pick one... :oops:

    I would like to meet others who share the same interests as myself! ^-^

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