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-vechna misla-

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-vechna misla- last won the day on April 10 2013

-vechna misla- had the most liked content!

About -vechna misla-

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    Kiwamu's Bitch

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  1. -vechna misla-

    So I used to be into visual kei, but haven't payed attention to it for over a year, and was wondering if there are actually any new good bands that have come around, or if it's just a bunch of crap heading into irrelevance that the scene has been trending towards since the early 00s. >.>
  2. -vechna misla-

    I'm just a old insignificant lurker from Tainted World that used to be into visual kei, but has since kinda left it and is around to stalk bands with members I used to care about. And I figured I should finally say hi.
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