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Everything posted by WaruKyo

  1. Does anyone have lyricses from Dum Spiro Spero? Especially I search for Vanitas ... Thank You.! >
  2. "As reported by several japanese news websites, Taiji passed away today. He had been in the hospital's intensive care station since July 14th after trying to commit suicide, according to some newspapers he was unconscious till then. We are too shocked to find the right words right and and until there is an confirmation by his management we still have a bit of hope left. Our deepest sympathies to his family and friends." Source: http://www.xplosion-online.com Oh God....I don"t believe it. Rest in peace Taiji.
  3. WaruKyo

    Thanatos When the agreement was already signed Devil’s shadow laughed on the altar His foreign face still changes. I was left alone in deep darkness And you were still trapped inside of swirling spiral I beg, not to wake up from my dreams, [imagine, blazing, freezing, damage] …but only from this icy body. Till when I must last in this never-ending time? Only mutual trust and mutual forgiveness are keeping me alive, Even though my body is held by the Devil. Never-ending despair still continues in my shallow dream. I wish to sleep deeply in Thy warm embrace. Till when I must last in this never-ending time? Only mutual trust and mutual forgiveness are keeping me alive, Even though my body is held by the Devil. I sacrifice myself. [imagine, blazing, freezing, damage] [imagine, blazing, freezing, damage] [Credit to argema on deviantart.]
  4. WaruKyo

    Ur welcome. ^^
  5. WaruKyo

    Here's 'Flowery' . Only the forgotten beauty of your wink Doesn’t lose its magic, even if it’s hurt. Ah... I will invite you to the shadow of this pillar And holding your hand, I'll kiss... Glittering dress, flower which bloomed covered by darkness, Only in my memory you shine like a sun. You’ve always shined brightly, enough lucidly in front of me Ah… that’s why I will abduct you. ...and trap you in darkness of the night... I can see your real face… I’m touching your cheek Lost, forgotten memory. I remember our meeting… That evening I’ve hurt you. From immaculate tears couple of new people was born. Because of your subtlety I’m still blaming myself. I took on me eternal scars. While I was hugging you in that waltz, I was trembling in fear of destiny. Still spinning semicircle, painted Ball On which we are able to meet again. Glittering dress, flower which bloomed covered by darkness, Only in my distant memory you shine like a sun. You’ve always shined brightly, enough lucidly in front of me That’s why I will abduct you I want to hold you trapped, only in my gaze, Only for me you become a flower.
  6. WaruKyo

    http://vimeo.com/25871024 Here the samples. ~ http://www.mediafire.com/?r3t37rpegsyt7i7 And if you wanna to download it, here the link. :DD
  7. WaruKyo

    They're .... amazing.! (as always.) Daisuke is so charming with short hair. °(>ω<)° http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/265141_248963675118035_186066214741115_1191404_3344310_n.jpg http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/270602_248963701784699_186066214741115_1191405_3978411_n.jpg http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/260152_248963731784696_186066214741115_1191406_7486578_n.jpg http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/262783_248963761784693_186066214741115_1191407_6304378_n.jpg
  8. WaruKyo

    Tsumi to Kisei. Ido no naka Kankin Tsumeru doro Jinken Kairaku Kami no ko Sadeizumu[sadism] Mizuumi nohotori 1(ichi) . sad . sexually . 2(ni) . sad . sexually Kawaku kuchi Shita Semento Sabi Daeki Kansen Nawa Suramu Kyosei Sakeru niku Nigai mitsu Ryoujoku no ame Kousatsu Ningen
  9. WaruKyo

    Thank you.!
  10. WaruKyo

    If anyone could translate Different Sense, I'll be soo grateful. ~ I'm having problems with it. ><
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