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Posts posted by plz_dont_kill_me

  1. They're never going to play any of those songs overseas because they don't want to play them more than likely. Playing old songs in Japan (usually only at a knot only lives) is a form of fanservice seeing as how their dedicated fanbase there is made up of very fickle people that if they don't hear Ain't Afraid to Die once every 2 years they'll stop liking the band immediately.

    Passing these around Holding these up during the meet and trying to get the band to play these songs are incredibly snobby, and i can only IMAGINE the reaction from the band. Bad idea.

    Atleast there aren't any with Yokan, Yurameki, I'll, Jealous, Garden, or Jessica...

    That really would be asking for a stern look, wouldn't it now.

    Like I said, during the VIP meets, the translator (Nora) -asks- the fans what their favorite songs are... see that Youtube viddie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXaJ9cLs ... re=related) at the 0:52 mark, so I don't think it's "snobby" to answer a question they clearly want an answer to from their fans. And for the song titles that were already in english, I just ran through this: http://www.sljfaq.org/cgi/e2k.cgi?word=embryo - and then this: http://nihongo.j-talk.com/kanji/ to see if it atleast sounded out close... If you don't wanna do it, then don't to it...

    Btw, didn't you say this?:

    I remember reading an article saying that previously the band had not played any "oldies", because they didn't know overseas fans were very familiar with those songs. But as time goes on, they're more apt to play older songs -- knowing that there's actually a large fanbase that wants to hear them.

    Well that's kinda the goal, ain't it? To let 'em know there's a fanbase for these songs?

    What's the difference between holding up one of those prints and shouting out the

    name of a song when Nora starts asking the vippers what their fave songs are?

    I mean, other than the likelihood of not being heard over everyone else's yelling.

  2. They're never going to play any of those songs overseas because they don't want to play them more than likely. Playing old songs in Japan (usually only at a knot only lives) is a form of fanservice seeing as how their dedicated fanbase there is made up of very fickle people that if they don't hear Ain't Afraid to Die once every 2 years they'll stop liking the band immediately.

    Passing these around and trying to get the band to play these songs are incredibly snobby, and i can only IMAGINE the reaction from the band. Bad idea.

    Like I said, furing the VIP meets, the translator (Nora) -asks- the fans what their favorite songs are... see that Youtube viddie at the 0:52 mark, so I don't think it's "snobby" to answer a question they clearly want an answer to from their fans. And for the song titles that were already in english, I just ran through this: http://www.sljfaq.org/cgi/e2k.cgi?word=embryo - and then this: http://nihongo.j-talk.com/kanji/ to see if it atleast sounded out close...

    If you don't wanna do it, then don't to it...

  3. Somebody made print sheets with some of the band's songs in kanji/romaji/katakana/english. It would be neat if the VIP fans printed some of these out and held them up during their meet / Q&A with the band... and yes, their translator usually does ask the fans what their favorite songs are at some point in the backstage meet. So it's not "being rude" if you print out one of these and hold it up during the meet... Right click and save, locate file, right click and choose "print," set your options to "scale to fit media" and set color to "grayscale." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXaJ9cLs ... re=related (0:52)

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png

    RED E.M.

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/9/18/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/9/18/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/9/18/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/9/18/ ... rinter.png


    http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/9/18/ ... rinter.png


  4. Who all is planning on doing the VIP thing? There used to be free meets and CD signings, but now it seems like the VIP meet is all that's left... anyways, I was given this by another fan and told to spread it around:

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/9/18/ ... e_2011.png

    Read it before you judge, and if you think this is a worthy endeavor, please right-click and save the image and then print it out with "scale image to media" (so it fills the paper) and set your color settings to grayscale... then bring a copy with you when you go backstage and take your pictures with the band and hand it off to the band or someone in the staff like Nora.

  5. ^ So then why not try to make them aware that there is a fanbase for those songs?

    And after getting some "friendly" criticism elsewhere, I've been thinking maybe the better

    plan would be to hope for after-show signings like there had been for Rose Trims Again

    when they were promoting Uroboros and have fans pass off the sheet to the bandmembers

    instead of holding it up in the audience and running the risk of pissing someone off.

  6. I don't want to cause a stir with anyone, but I'd like to leave this here for the folks who're going to the shows on the Paradox of Retaliation tour.

    It's true that Dir en grey has headed in directions that are quite distant from what they were and did in the past and they're trying very hard to not be stereotyped as pretty boy Visual Kei and just be "normal rock guys", but wouldn't it still be nice if they'd throw out some "not necessarily VK" oldies when they did their shows and not just when it's their shows in Japan?

    I received a random message on Myspace about this idea from another Diru fan, I honestly gave it thought, as I also miss the older songs and would enjoy being able to experience them live and in person.

    The idea was to have sorta "print-out-sheets" with some old Dir song titles in both Japanese and Romaji/English and print these out and attach them to a piece of cardboard or posterboard and bring them to hold up briefly as the band takes the stage, just long enough for them to look out and see them and then put them down so as not to hinder the experience for other fans when the band starts playing.

    I understand that doing something like this isn't going to magically make them play the song right then and there, I'm aware that it's highly unlikely for a band to play something they haven't already rehearsed and planned, but atleast doing this would get it into their head that it's okay to play these songs and that doing so wouldn't hurt their credibility with their more metal-minded fans. And even if they don't care, well... it's still trying something, right?

    So anyway, here are the print-outs.

    They're fitted for 8x11 paper and meant to be printed in black ink with the "scale to paper size" setting turned on. If you want to do something extra, you could find some luminescent printer paper to print on. I know of several places that have such paper for fairly cheap.

    Please don't ask for print-outs with Garden, or Jealous, or I'll or Taiyo no Ao or something else deliberately poppy-sounding that you're only putting out there as some kind of joke to troll the band. I'm not the one who made these and besides, what's here is still good and would not clash with the band's current image. If you think this is a good idea, pass it around to other fans... If not, then I'm sorry for bothering all of you.

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - ZOMBOID

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - FILTH

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - GYAKUJOU TANNOU KELOID MILK

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - MARMALADE CHAINSAW

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - RED E.M.

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - DRAIN AWAY

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - KASUMI

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - EMBRYO

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/9/15/ ... rinter.png - MUSHI

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/9/18/ ... rinter.png - NAMAMEKASHIKI ANSOKU

    (not really an old song, since it's from Marrow, but it's one I don't think they've played yet)

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