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  1. Cani

    Okay, I know this isn't so impressive but... : D My lovers: Casio CTK-591 Williams 34" Mini-Gibson (and some lousy 3W amp... >__>) Something that will be mine soon: Millenium MX jr. (junior drum set) ~ My dream: Some white grand piano. I love their sound ~ Hagstrom Viking Semi-Acoustic Bass Fender Wayne Kramer Stratocaster ESP LTD GL-200 MT + good amp. :>
  2. Cani

    Maybe I think too much of what happened couple day ago. But it's still so distressing to me.
  3. Cani

    I got mine copy today and I like it! Thanatos filled my expectations. DRY ICE SCREAM!! [Remove Silence] is fucking epic song in a good way. And Love will be born again and Kamijos engrish... It's just too cute and beautiful ^^ But Vampire PV... It's nothing like I expected. It's so.... BLAND. Yea, there is great guys playing well and it's candy for my eyes, but... I thought it would be something more. I'm disappointed.
  4. Cani

    Wtf... "Suski, do you listen japanese rock?" How did he know? Did my brother tell him? o___o' This is suspicious.
  5. Cani

    I need new haircut. Seriously.
  6. Cani

    TOO. HOT. Seriously. +30 celcius degrees. ;w; Oh I miss winter sometimes. But it will come again! and then it's too cold. never perfect : D
  7. Cani

    Yasuhiro, thanks (: ronluna, omg, lovely typo :'D ♥ But thanks
  8. Cani

    OHHH YES Samples are here, everyone!
  9. Cani

    Thanks everyone! ^--^ .StranGè. lol I didn't know XD But now I do! allisapp, yes I know : D
  10. Cani

    My dad is lovely, he promised that we'll order limited edition ♥ Btw, have you noticed Kamijo's creepy gaze on MASQUERADE PV @ 1:43? It's so... creepy... ;__;
  11. Cani

    Hi everyone! I'm 14 years old girl from Finland who has listened j-rock for couple years. My favourite band is Versailles. Other great bands are Matenrou Opera, Girugamesh, HIZAKI grace project, Lareine, the GazettE, MUCC etc. I could go on forever ;w; But maybe you can see what kind of music I like the most. I don't really have hobbies. Well, I play piano and seriously I'm not really good in it... And me and my friends are setting up a band. If you haven't notice, my English sucks. ♥ best friends but google translate sucks ;w; Umh... I guess I have nothing else to say. ^--^ Nice to meet you! I hope I'm not a distraction. (:
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