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Dark Kinma

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Status Updates posted by Dark Kinma

  1. I see one Mh-user's talk about "Of Mice And Men", so I listen them, and it's really good ^^

  2. I love Brutal, I love headache, that's why I start to love MetalCore related genus

  3. Game of Thrones season 4 on come on april! Read the book to wait until april.

  4. Ex Umbra In Solem will be an awesome Ep by Eths, can't wait ^^!

  5. Ex Umbra In Solem sounds so good, Rachel is a good vocal!

  6. Everyone pays the bill, Justice isn't Free! Believe that! Believe in the Shield!

  7. Original I'll is better, that's all (and the piano vers. from osaka jo hall live too)!

  8. I willn't spend one more € in this shitty V-kei business

  9. Today Live : Skindred !

  10. this job will be give me money, but I will finish to can't walking after first month >_<

  11. mexican return eating tacos in mexico ^^! We continue to dance samba !

  12. I miss KLAcK, ned more of them T_T

  13. Nice victory by Zenith St Petersboug| Hulk as always the best :)

  14. There is no reason to debate, masterpiece of 2014 will be release on 10th December !

  15. DepositFiles suxxs! I can't Debrid it :/ !

  16. There is no reason to debate, masterpiece of 2014 will be release on 10th December !

  17. who want play to "insurgency" ? I have 3 free code to share ^^

  18. It's time to Inquisition. #DragonAge3

  19. Jewel's Time : Rubis !

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