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Posts posted by Spektre

  1. YES!!! ive been waiting 5 months for this song :DDDDDDDD ever since ive seen that Black Rock Shooter game trailer *O*

    and its only 6 days away!!! cant wait ;O

    This is new for me, ive never been SO excited about just one song before xDD

  2. Ok, we have a clear area. Your mission is to infiltrate into Monochrome Heaven's forums and find cool J-rock bands to listen to.

    Mission starting in 3... 2... 1...

    Begin mission.


    Hey guys whats up? Im Spektre, but you can call me Spek :P its a nickname ive been using for a loooong time since i played Halo 1 around 7 years ago. I was such a pro back then, but now im sadly not as good because of the internet that i have and because of... wait, were getting offtopic! >.<

    I love japanese music in general, but i have stronger bond with J-rock than J-pop and the rest (though they are fine for me ^^)

    Yes, that anime picture in the video is Sengoku Basara. i LOVE anime, but i rarely find time to watch it...

    Oh yeah, about my musical tastes apart from J-rock, heres how i work: throw at me anything with the words "metal" or "rock" and chances are, i will like it. anything, seriously. Ive been raised by rock n roll music, then went through hard rock, then to metal, then to death metal. But out of all the bands that ive heard, jrock is the only one to actually be more innovative by actually mixing styles. Blood stain child is a good example of this :P im right now passing through that stage where im looking for something better :P


    I got referred here by a user. I cant remember whats her name on the forum :P she probably will be smiling when she sees this xD

    anyways, have a nice day! :D ill be looking around to see whats going on in this forum! ^~^

    Spektre B-)

    EDIT: tosinn. That is my referral.^^

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