The name's Xianglian, my favorite band is Maximum the Hormone post Sugi and Key.
I don't really have a favorite VK band, probably a tie between Byakura, [_Vani;lla], and PureQ&A
I only listen to Japanese music, and a lot of my favorite bands ever are outside of VK like Midori, Melt Banana, Jurassic Jade, Psydoll, and Despair.
I'm a metal-head. The best metal is when it is fused (correctly!) with another genre, or at it's purest form.
Favorite VK J-Rockers: Naoto (exist trace), Maro/Kru ([_Vani;lla]), Hiko (Danger Gang), Jasmine You
Favorite non-VK J-Rockers: Hizumi (Jurassic Jade) Mariko (Midori) Loveless/Nekoi (Psydoll)
[insert salutation here]