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Everything posted by Undeadfact

  1. Undeadfact

    This. x 10000. I do like Lynch. but not because of Hazuki specifically. My favorite member is Yusuke, and Junji of course ;; even if he was just support bass. I think if people say Ai doesn't put emotion into his vocals, you should try the all bloody lovers dvd.
  2. Undeadfact

    whataya mean by hiden, exactly? Is it like... the last track is 23 minutes and 13 of that is silence and there's two songs in one track? Because I don't like that at all, haha. It means not listed on the track listing.
  3. Undeadfact

    I seriously need this album so bad I can't even think of anything else. They've updated the blog part to have all the previews and my god, I mean I love everything Deathgaze have released since Ai became vocals but I think this is the best thing they've done, Bliss out yourself sounds amazing to end the first disk ;___; I can't wait asusdgsdg.
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