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Dark stranger

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Posts posted by Dark stranger

  1. Agreed. There really isn't any famous true Punk bands anymore. They are mostly underground. Greenday and Blink 182 used to be more of the punk stlye back in the early 90's. But now they are soo famous and so....how should I say it.....policlitly biased. They aren't true punk anymore. (mostly speaking of Greenday.) The only band on that short list I would say that is still kinda punkish is The offspring.

  2. Ok just a new rant from me.

    It seems like shit always hits my whole family at the same time. 1. The place I was working at as a temp just got shut down because the airport ran out of money so they had to get rid of everyone. So again I'm out of a job.

    2. My roommate was trying to get a job at a car dealership and at the end of the training they told him that he had to pay them about 600 DOLLERS for the F(&$ing training!? And of course since he is trying to get a job he doesn't have that money so they didn't hire him.

    3. My brother still hasn't found another job besides for the part time one at a resurant.

    and finally when I went to my parents house to drop off some stuff I borrowed I found out that my dad got fired from his job. After he was worked there for 10 years they told him that they are going to outsoruce the crates that he makes so they dropped him like that. AFTER 10 YEARS THAT'S WHAT THEY DO?!

    So not only am I in trouble my whole family is. GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!

  3. Lordi is a hard rock / heavy metal band from Finland. The concept for Lordi was conceived in 1992, however, the band wasn't officially formed until 1996 by Tomi Putaansuu (known as 'Mr. Lordi')[1] of Helsinki, Finland. Members of Lordi are noted for their elaborate monster-like costumes depicted during live shows and in music videos.

    Lordi won the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest with a record 292 points, giving Finland its first ever victory. Lordi featured on the 2006 MTV Europe Music Awards in Copenhagen when Mr. Lordi presented the award for rock, and they were also the closing act playing their single Hard Rock Hallelujah. They also performed on Britain's Making Your Mind Up for the Eurovision Song Contest. Lordi performed on the main stage at Ozzfest 2007.



    I love Lordi. Been listing to them for a bout a year now. Got to see them at Ozzfest which was an amazing live show. I'd have to say my favorite songs are Devil is a Loser, The Deadite Girls Gone Wild, Would you love a Monster Man?, and Who's Your Daddy?.

    If you don't know this band I highly recommend it.

  4. Well, I'm not sure that the grades are the same for you and me, because I live in Quebec (Canada).. Here it's called secondary 5. To give you a more precise idea, the average age of students in this grade is 16-17 years old (I'm 16).

    We are the oldest students of the school, and last year we were just grades 4 and 5 together in the same building. The environment was relatively calm. BUT this year they moved the grades 1-2-3 in our school and now it's totally messy! All these young, immature, noisy, stupid people who run and shout everywhere, I just wanna kick them all o_o

    And there is more.. they added new stupid rules that make school time even more painful. For example, MP3 players are now forbidden in all the school, we can't even listen our music in the cafeteria or the agora (not sure of that word, anyway..)!! It's horrible, I am dependent on my music... it made lunchtimes less boring last years, but now we must sit and wait =_=

    This is simply the worst "back to school" of my life !

    Yeah I know how you feel. My high school that I gradeuated from has grades 6-12. It's werid when I was a kid I didn't try to mess with the 11 and 12 graders, but when I was there all the little kids were so imature and arrogent. I spent a lot of time in the princalpals office for "putting those kids in line" as I called it. As far as the stupid rules goes, school are becoming more pussifed year after year. You have to either break the rules by being sneaky or like me spent time in the office for doing what you want. It's sucks, but it's better then conforming. Or try to find something else to that gets you through the day.

  5. I"m fucking tired of being used. Since I'm new here, nobody has known about this but, I moved in a apartment with my biologial brother and my two friends that I consider brothers last year. I wanted us to live there for awhile, cuz It's cool we are all together and working together for the same goal. Plus we always hung out together all the time. Makes sense right? Well apperantly not. One left because if he went back to college his parents wouldn't charge him rent. The second one left to North Carolina to live in his aunts house for free while she is looking for a place in Texas. And now my brother is up and leaving because he's rushing his realasonship with his fieonce. (which he has known for 5 months). Add on to the fact that I just lost my temp job and the lease is up so I have to sign a new lease even though I don't have much money now. Plus I paid for the rent for two months in a row when none of them had money. And how do they say thanks? They fucking ditch me. Add on the fact that I'm constintally used by other people.....I fucking hate it..

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