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Posts posted by dracolicious13

  1. Vkei wise? Crap. Just Deluhi disbanding is enough to describe how much of crap all of it is.

    Everything else? Awesome.

    Conclusion? Fuck vkei, I'm off clubbin' .

  2. It wasn't all that unexpected.

    The others probably didn't want to spend the rest of their lives playing catch-up with Leda.

    In either case, I hope that Leda gets a new vk project going [and it might help if he doesn't write songs that are all over the place].

    I'd also like the vocalist to find himself a new gig.

    Vkei project? ew. I hope he leaves vkei for good. I hope all of them do.

  3. ^ Or the label itself. Cause I mean lets be real here. Any indie band in vkei is as indie as my toe. Meaning though they seem separated from everything they are still attached to a foot, or in this case some larger label or management. Thus I guess if one wants to do something the label doesn't want them to do, he gets kicked out.

    I think thats the one reason why I hate vkei so much at times...there is talent that gets recognized etc woo! but there is also a lot that I think get so toned down that while they'd wanna go experiment etc, but they can't. Theres that and there is way to many bands doing the same thing over and over again just to get popular. :T

  4. Honestly, last year apparently there were more than 96 bands that disbanded. Some of course are small tiny no-names that no1curr about, BUT there were some more popular bands that said their farewells to their fans. But while this year was to as some hoped would become a better year for vkei, with the recent announcement of disbandment for Vidoll, I'd say its not looking very good. ( Not to mention on just one page on shattered tranquility I saw a good 7 vkei bands I didn't even know existed that are now disbanding)

    So clearly something is going on. Do you think the scene is actually dying? As in becoming less and less popular with the fans? Or do you think that people are just looking into it more than usual and that this is a normal occurrence every year anyway? Perhaps the worsened economy in Japan is affecting the indie music industry this much?

    What do you all think?

    Cause while I'm a bitter old fan who doesn't care ( even Kagrra news didn't really make me that sad) and thinks that the scene is in fact dying ( or rather should maybe die and let something else take its place?) it doesn't logically make sense that it is full on doing that, since there are new bands popping up anyway, and the ones who DID make it major are not doing too bad.


  5. Yeah this is why I think people need to redefine what they mean by BAD. Because I'm seeing a few things at the same time happening. People naming people that ARE BAD, and people naming vocalists that they just DON"T LIKE. Those are two different things. There may be vocalists I don't like, but if they hold their own on stage I'll give them at least some credit.

    Personally I think the ridiculously bad singers in VK is what gives VK its charm :P

    While it does make it unique for sure...in a lot of cases it also makes people's ears bleed..so I dunno if its really a good thing.

  6. Asagi - not really bad, maybe even tolerable for some . . . but he does particularly grate on my ears

    Wow, I didn't expect someone may mention him here... he's one of the best visual kei vocalists in my opinion...

    2, he's not awful, he's my favorite! I think he's very skilled.

    His vibrato is SO BAD. So forced and fake. Yuck.

    Mind you..a lot of Japanese artists have some of the most WTF vibratos I've ever heard.

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