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Posts posted by KoreanGringo



    Tokyo Night Sky Is Always the Densest Shade of Blue

    Another japanese arthouse №4684, which uses the standard scheme with a couple of "no-such-as-all" characters and the imposition of their boring world. Surprises the presence (suddenly!) Of Christian overtones. The next confrontation of non-standard characters and local romance frankly failed.

  2.  Psychokinesis / Yeom-lyeok (2018)

    Another illogical "masterpiece" from the director of "Train to Busan", which is even more stupid and ridiculous, but, unlike its predecessor, is not spectacular and completely devoid of drama. The attempt to allegorically tie supernormal abilities to certain events in the family of the main characters is meaningless and does not manifest itself in any scene after the introduction. And then followed a parade of dullness, wretched special effects, terrible grimaces, a lurid plot and incredibly stupid characters. A typical Korean "circus tent". To the dump.

  3. v1.bTsxMjU1MTAyMDtqOzE3Njk1OzEyMDA7NDE5M


    Tigers Are Not Afraid (Vuelven, 2017) - Mexican director Issa Lopez decided to try himself in the role of Guillermo del Toro and took off a gloomy tale in the scenery of modern criminal Mexico, missed through the prism of the child's imagination. By the way, the imagination, as such, is not enough in the film. Then the tigers from the children's stories will point the way, then the ghosts of the innocently murdered will begin to oppress. First of all, the subject takes an unpleasant realism - for local children, the corpses around have already become something ordinary that terrifies. However, the same routine does not give us a feeling of the fear in which the young generation lives. The story itself is primitive enough and focuses on innocuous protagonists, trying to call for sympathy, when those who do not understand themselves stand a step away from death. The visual series is gray, but in some moments it pleases with local chips, animated graffiti and a stream of blood that appears everywhere where there is a smell of death and fear. Acting at a good level, but the abundance of music is slightly depressing. There is no sense load as such, a standard set: sadness, melancholy, sadness, decay and a belief in a happy future that looms behind one of the doors of an abandoned building somewhere in Mexico City. 6/10




    Caught (2018) - Unbearable original or unusually intolerable horror with a claim to the broke of the template. The template was broken, but it broke into the drain hole of the village toilet. In a nutshell, the chamberlike semblance of a thriller with ever-increasing tension and an attempt to convey a realistic reality of the situation when 2 aliens  are coming to your house. Trying to build on repeating the same phrases and really inadequate actions of family members ... 1/10


    P.S. sorry for my english)

  4. Hey guys, can someone burn my heart and translate into english this powerful iliad? would be incredibly grateful.



    天上天下 寂静の境 翔けることの遷化十五月の八乗
    これは錯誤と混淆と絶望と美の結晶 三十二年の赤銅夜行
    いかなる区別と分類そして再統合にも与しないこと 偶然を軽蔑し矛盾を自明の前提とすること
    粛清の時間だ 続ける瀉血は裏切りの左その血が絶え果てるまで
    信念を捨てた奴ほど死を恐れる 俺が恐れるのはただこの想いが死することのみ

    Haven't we ever seen?
    This Japanese iliad.
    Haven't we ever known?

    心地観経 寂静に一同 弥栄を合唱 突き付ける最後通牒
    国士無双 離騒の悲曲よ 今我らに心眼を生じたまえ
    大義とは美しく死ぬ義務のこと そして身命を賭して果たす使命のこと
    遥か彼方の前方突き刺さる上空の竜を目指して進め 天は必ず最後に俺らを選ぶ

    時は満ちた、いざ進まん 決して振り返ること勿れ
    同志、これで最後だ 今一度胸に刻み込め

    時は満ちた、いざ進まん 決して振り返ること勿れ

    雨曝しの夜明けを 馳せ越えろ月を 陽の光の喜色を望まんと この声よ
    響け今一度 解れ一回の無効を為したならば僥倖 必ずや訪うだろう


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