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Posts posted by JustSumNerd

  1. Seems like this is an album that takes a couple of listens to grow on you and its true...my first listen I was kinda like o.O; but after a couple more listens I fell in love with vanitas, diablos and dreambox. I'm starting to love the album but those three are my fav so far


  2. Amon was just alright but I can see myself liking it a bit more after upon more listens. Nothing to special though. Hoping the rest of the album isn't like this though :s

  3. All throughout high school I was kinda pudgy and and was teased for. Eventually I started feeling uneasy about it not because of them but more so because how tired i'd get from walking up three flights of stairs. I started working out little by little and I started off at 185 pounds. Through out the school year I learned to eat a bit healthier learned some portion control and acquired a love for running. by the end of my sophmore year I was close to 160 pounds. My junior year I ended up staying around the same weight gaining 1 or 2 pounds here and there but my senior year was when I really got to work.

    I was working out 3 times a day. I took a totally body conditioning class in the morning, worked out after school, and then would head home and rest for about 4 or 5 hrs and then workout again for another hour. A majority of what i did with my first two workouts though was cardio as I was running 6-8 miles a day. By the end of my senior year I was 138 pounds.

    From there on out I realized how much mass I had lost ._.; (I was starting to fit into my brothers clothing.) I decided then to try and bulk up while continuing my excersize routine to keep things in check. I went up to 168 by the end of my sophmore year.

    Currently while still working out and keepin up with cardio im 200 pounds, but im no beefcake xD I've mostly been toning and trying to stay relatively medium sized i guess.

    Anywho long story short I love working out. :P And im sure your excersise is goin well and will get better Peace Heavy mk II. :3

    One last thing I hate ab work with a passion ;_; and when it comes to it i get bored pretty easily anyone know any cool ab excersises?

  4. I was in a long distance relationship last year and I did enjoy the relationship part...however things went bad when I broke up with her. She had talked about coming to see and she bought the plane ticket regardless. I offered to reimburse her for the ticket and she refused and showed up and fucked stuff up between me and a couple of friends. (well i shouldnt say her but rather the situation.)

    Its weird because the last thing she said before all of the drama really exploded was that she didn't hate me or anything, (even though a handful of ppl do). She still has me added on facebook but obviously akward so we dont talk...her friends still have me added too o.o; but who knows maybe somewhere down the line we'll talk again but yeah...

    Long distance relationships can work, but its really hard to make them work...and sometimes the end result is a bit messy so take caution ^.^;

  5. Alright then now that life has gotten out of the way and my power is back...

    Tsumetai Kage- The beginning of the track is pretty nifty but I felt like the song dragged on a bit too much.


    Donor of lie - I have already decided that this is a new favorite for me upon the first listen. I love the small sections of heaviness, I also like how the beginning seems a bit slow but then speeds up just a tad. 10/10

    Ai Subeki Shikedai - I'm kinda tired of there remake upon remake upon remake of older songs. Its a good song dont get me wrong but I preferred the original.5/10


    Overall: 7/10 Donor of lie makes up the single but then again thats the name of the single so yeah lol.

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