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Everything posted by joutomailla

  1. joutomailla

    klaohugbnpfaihfiah I need sleep x___x I went to sleep at 2am last night (I just HAD to watch nip/tuck...), but then my cousin (who four years old; I was staying the night in their livingroom) decided to start screaming five minutes after that - and she didn't stop it until four. Then, I woke up every time I turned in the bed, because it kept making terrible noice every time I moved even a bit. And as if this wasn't annoying enough, my two other cousins started talking (not even whispering, but talking with louder than regular volume) around eight - and all three of them came jumping to my bed half an hour later, because "you need to watch the cartoons with us". Oh, and at the morning I tried to ease my boredom with either texting or browsing internet with my phone, the battery run out. And no charger in sight.
  2. joutomailla

    I'm a boring person who always keeps her phone on silent. So only tone is the *BRRR*-sound which is caused by the vibration :'D
  3. joutomailla

    Reading Clockwork orange and re-arranging my room.
  4. joutomailla

    Chemistry's exam is over and it felt surprisingly easy, and only schoolthing left today is just bowling for an hour : D
  5. joutomailla

    I wish I'd have the motivation to start reading for examweek... Or just a time machine so I could go back and actually read the chapters when they were teached at the first place.
  6. I don't know about famous, but yeah, that's my alternative nick :----DDD
  7. yeah, that's her. 8D and I also knew that you live there. Kati has told me ;o
  8. joutomailla

    texmex soup o_o trust me, it wasn't good.
  9. might be ;o btw, I've heard of you! you're a friend of a friend or something like that :----DD
  10. Heipsanssaa sinnekkin suuntaan!
  11. Tomimoi! 8D // ...smaili tuli äske, enkä tiiä tuleeko nytki x.x
  12. It took me a while to stumble my way to relaunched TW, but let's just pass that part because I know nobody missed me (I wasnt' that active back in the older version of TW. And anyways, I used different nick there.). After an hour of stalking, I finally decided to make an introduction post. So umm, hello. I may improve my habits and became a more active here, who knows. But. I quess you want to know something more about me. I'm a girl. And I'm from the mysteroious country called Finland. My music taste variables quite a lot, so I'm not going to write about that. I think all of you are smart enough to figure out at least that I enjoy some Japanese music :'D But a thing that doesn't change that much is that I love photography. Don't worry, I'm not going to post tons of camerawhore-pictures to the "show yourself"-topic - it's actually the opposite: I hate taking pictures of myself. And what else should I tell... Let's just say that was enough of that for now, because I really need to go find my lip balm now. And after that I shall go and make myself avatar. The icon I mean, not the movie about blue creatures.
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