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Everything posted by evenor

  1. evenor

    Awkward/sudden key changes.
  2. evenor

    I had no idea Eve was involved with this; He produced so many (good) avelcain tracks so I am hopeful he does the same for this band!
  3. evenor

  4. evenor

  5. evenor

    Important things to take from this: 1. Die shares that his fav fast riffs are from deg's debut album gauze 2. Toshiya describes their current sound as "psychobilly" lmao
  6. ^^^^ I really like the bridge/section before the generic chorus.
  7. evenor

    Track 8
  8. evenor

    Van a viajar por puro Tur-Bus!
  9. where is the thong though? They look awesome!
  10. evenor

    finally cashed in their cheki money I see...
  11. evenor

    RxG are confirmed blink182 stans.
  12. evenor

    They look really cool but I wish they could have chosen to pick a better song to sample for a debut. It's a snoozer!
  13. evenor

    The VK salvation we need~ Please RT for full MV!!
  14. evenor

    I wanna see them ONLY release it on vinyl just for the drama.
  15. I am grateful that a recorded version of Lost Ivy will come into existence.
  16. evenor

    Track three is basically a chuuzetsu by kuroyume homage.
  17. evenor

    These outfits are very Saban '97 power rangers villans. I hope they sound good!
  18. I just looked that up too! Apparently the Olympics start late July so Goddess is still on my side~
  19. Is this for the same "legends" event Mirage and other bands will perform at? Traveling to Japan in the summer is a literal hellscape weather wise but this "event" is very tempting....
  20. kamijo looks like a completely different person!
  21. evenor

    Have they had 5 members for a while?
  22. evenor

    Excited for both releases!!
  23. I know they are fringe vk but Ⅸ -NINE- is pretty cool.

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Saw them live at Chop last year and I admired the *atmosphere* they tried to cultivate; even though nobody really cared in the small audience. Pretty cool tunes as well.

    2. Tanishi


      I just wanna know what happened to that 2nd mini album they announced for spring 2019.

  24. evenor

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