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Posts posted by Goshiro

  1. Das mit den Steuern in Österreich habe ich auch mitbekommen.... allerdings sind die Gehälter, falls ich mich nicht irre, dementsprechend etwas höher. Meine österreichische Kollegin arbeitete zuvor im gleichen Unternehmen wie jetzt und übte auch den gleichen Beruf dort aus, verdiente dort allerdings mehr wie hier. Sie meinte auch, dass die Abzüge vom Gehalt (Lohnsteuer, Versicherungen usw.) geringer sein sollen. In wie fern das stimmt, kann ich leider schlecht beurteilen.


    Übrigens: Worte wie "arg" und "deppert" sind hier auch mehr als weit verbreitet ;)

  2. Here you go...


    Awkward Hure    (Hure is german for "whore" or "bitch")

    Never ending ein Schritt    ("ein Schritt" means "one step")

    Anti-Kranke    (means Anti sick persons)


    Polter Geist

    Schmelz Cure  (Schmelz means melt)

    Dark Schneider

    Devil Kitty

    Domestic Child

    Miss Jelly Fish

    My heaven's luck sisters

    Oyuugi Wagamama Dan X【PaRADEiS】

    suppurate system


    Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her  (dude....)

    The Crime  (so creative)

    Vital Magie  (means...Vital Magic?)

    Psysalia Psysalis Psyche

    Act∫uə √éil




    SEX-virgin killer-


    Men's SPIDER BAND ViJyu

    Poisonous Doll   (you know by reading the name it's oldschool ;))



    After some time it doesn't sound that weird... it's just getting so... normal. I think everyone know what I mean ;)

  3. I actually like genres. I hate it when People think, that they are so individual and have a huge knowledge when they say, that music is music and you can't put it into a specific direction. Genres comes in handy. How am I supposed to search for (example) "brutal technical death metal"  when there would be no genres? There are specific directions in music wich I prefer... so I can search easily for that direction ;)  Sorry for my bad english...

  4. Thanks for the helpfull answers.

    I think it will maybe "harder" or as "hard" as DELUHI was because Sujik is a very talented drummer. I don't think that he would waste his talent for slow songs where he can't use his potential. Well, lets suprise.

    To put it more nicely than the other guy; playing slow songs is never a waste of talent. If you can't make an interesting slow song, it just means you're not talented. But you're probably just one of those "fast music, only music" -people, so each to their own.

    Anyway, I'm definitely checking this out. Hope there's not too much of Juri. He kinda forgot how to sing well.

    Seems like everyone got me wrong. I should work on my englishskills to avoid missunderstandings. I am not a "pseudohard" guy who thinks that slowly and beautifull songs are for "pussies". I am not saying that it will be as i sayd... it was just a facility that maybe could be, because it was often like this when a talented drummer made a solo project... but well, that were other genres.

    Unbelievable how arrogant people can be to show their intelektuality and their knowledge. Thats not ordered especially to you.

    Enough of justify, i am out.

  5. "...Because this makes no sense at all."

    Waited to read that someone has the same opinion. Of course it sounds great, but why did they disbanded when they ply together again? I mean... imagine that: "We can't play together anymore... let's disband". A few month later "Hey my old bandmates, I am starting a solo-project. Want to play as guestmembers?" And the other says "oh, great Idea. Looking forward to play together!" I did not get the point...

    And no, I don't complain about that... I was just wondering. I am still looking forward.

  6. All those years i listened to them are gone... thats truly sad. They were one of my favourites. But if it is better for them or even Yuuki, we have to accept that... much luck for them.

  7. truly sad. I hope the singer will go on... he is really talented. This seems to be a bad year.... last year were lots of disbandements too, but this year the most good bands disbands...

  8. Weren't they making a new band with exactly the same members?

    That's a one-night (session-like) opening act for their "GIGS" WEEKLY KGF_2 concert.

    Somehow a lot of people think they're just changing names, but I don't know where they heard that.

    They have a side project. Maybe they are disbanding as Kyokutou Girl Friend to continue as F’Ar÷EAST†KANφJO.

    For more Information: http://www.kyokutou.org/neta_m.html

    Edit: Looks like I was too late with my news

  9. Welll... this doesn't wonder me. I couldn't imagine that this band would exist for a long time while great bands are disbanding after one year. And really, they werent something special. It's not cause of the vocalist... i liked brodiaea a lot but Synside waaas like as said before a "flash band". But it's still sad to see how much bands are disbanding...

    And what the hell has Kisaki to do with their disbanding when Synside decided on their selves to disband?

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