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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Kyo-sama

  1. Kyo-sama

    -OZ- Awoi Frantic EMIRY Deadman D cocklobin Kiyoharu chariots té Boards of Canada Anna Tsuchiya
  2. Kyo-sama

    -OZ- Awoi Kuroyume Frantic EMIRY Deadman D cocklobin Kiyoharu Kiryu chariots té
  3. Kyo-sama

    I slept with Draco because I'm worth it
  4. Kyo-sama

    YESSSS. :'D I still want Julia Stiles dead though. I don't want that, I kinda like her, but I think if she will be there it won't be so interesting then :/. When he was about to kill him I thought they take the knife and kill him together lol
  5. Kyo-sama

    suna - sand
  6. Kyo-sama

    is my mattress
  7. Kyo-sama

    long time no see
  8. Kyo-sama

    -OZ- Awoi D=OUT Kuroyume Frantic EMIRY Nightmare 9GOATS BLACK OUT R-Shitei Scarlett Shiina Ringo
  9. Kyo-sama

    ikebana - that thing about flowers, you know what i mean
  10. Kyo-sama

    When I read your stories, it's even more worse than that mine... My schoolmates hated me in the elementary school and I even didn't release it was some bullying but now I know it was... I had some male friends but only out of school - they went to the same school - than, our school had to move to another and I lose them, just boys, what else to say - they felt ashamed of me. (1-3rd grade).... after the moving it was even worse - They behaved like friends but then they kept humiliating me, they were talking nasty things to me, and worst thing is that our teacher was like this too. Than we moved (because of my family problemes - that affected me too, since my childhood) and I started go to 8th grade, it wasn't that bad like the previous school, but for me it wasn't easy either. Since high school I can say a have a few though, but very good friends. And I'm not bullied anymore I don't let anyone to do it. My schoolmates are fine
  11. Kyo-sama

    I want it! Where can I get it, please?
  12. Kyo-sama

    ^ I don't like him a lot but that's so cute Do they move or it's only like this?
  13. Kyo-sama

    Most of people can't do anything with it. The scrobbler messes it. This did to me too. Just some artist and completely different song that is by some else artist from your library and the same with albums. Then I switched to foobar2000 with audioscrobbler and problem has solved...And what about this one pedo someone hacked it or something I don't think so, you just need to be a label to do that
  14. Kyo-sama

    yes and what about Yaoi? I ask rather girls
  15. Kyo-sama

    ムック - LA VIE EN ROSE feat. Kyo
  16. Kyo-sama

    hey, wat?
  17. Kyo-sama

    It's nice to be a boss xD
  18. Kyo-sama

    Outsider – City Hunter (Feat. Basick, Carry.D of Swagger)
  19. Kyo-sama

    So the drawer is you! I adored it on last.fm I will add something later it will be fun
  20. Kyo-sama

  21. Kyo-sama

    changed his ava
  22. Kyo-sama

    Tokyo 4 or 7?
  23. Kyo-sama

    ムック - 浮??
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