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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Kyo-sama

  1. I'm not really fan of them but like a child I remember I really loved One More Time. From time to time I watch some videos on YT but not because of the music, it's crazy to watch it :oops: . BUT recently I watched TRON: legacy and I must say I really fell in love with the soundtrack. I was a little worried to watch it at all but I was nicely surprised..

  2. Hans Zimmer - Psychological Recovery... 6 Months (18:18) but after 11 minutes it's a little boring

    DIR EN GREY - Vinushka (9:37)

    ムック - 朽木の塔 (11:27) 3 minutes of silence :/

    Godspeed You! Black Emperor - East Hastings 17:58

    Clint Mansell - Death is the Road to Awe (8:26)

    cocklobin - WHEEL OF FORTUNE (13:06) over 3 minutes of silent in the middle of song :/

    I forgot so many D:

    Otep - Where the River Ends (11:57)

    Miasma & the Carousel of Headless Horses - Garp Gardriel (6:03)

    BUCK-TICK - タナトス-the japanic pig mix- (8:28)

    ラヴィアンローズ - DAA ~DARKNESS and ANALOGUE~ (8:59)

    黎允文 - 诸葛亮 (9:13)

    abingdon boys school - ReBirth + ReVerse (7:03)

    Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire (6:42)

    RADWIMPS - 狭心症 (6:51)

    東京ヒーローズ - マチノヒ (6:16)


    Boris - Evil Wave Form (19:44); Red (21:30), GANBOU-KI (15:44), Feedbacker (43:53), Flood (1:10:30)

    Russian Circles - Carpe (9:01); Youngblood (7:35)

    Saade - Coming Home (7:36)

    Mono - Com(?) 15:56

  3. I don't watch TV much any more but...

    just what I watch/ed on the TV and don't have an urge to watch it whole:

    NCIS (this is only one criminal series I really like, it's funny.. oppostite to CSI: NY, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - it's all the same and I hardly knew what I exactly watched :D)

    Will & Grace


    Two and a Half Men


    Fear Factor

    Ninja Warrior

    Veronica Mars

    Step by Step


    I used to like (if they would broadcast it I would watch it again I guess :D):

    Rex: A Cop's Best Friend


    I watched it from beginnig (downloaded):

    House MD


    The Big Bang Theory

    True Blood

    Comeback (Czech sitcom)

    now I watch Futurama

  4. I wore near-sighted glasses in 2nd-3rd grade I think. I wore them like 2 years? I was told if I wear them it gets better and I don't need to wear them.. often then. It got better, much better. I didn't wear them since then (still have them somewhere :D those big ugly glasses)... But it get worse again, so I need to go to the eyedoctor again. But there is a little problem I have bad ears like.. one is upper then the second :? so if I wear glasses one eye is out of view.. So can they do something about it? like customize it? (Big glasses don't suit me :? ) Maybe a little stupid question but I can't be the only one with this problem...

  5. My mom doesn't really care what I listen to ... but we don't have so similar music taste. My auntie liked traditional music (Yoshida Brothers) when I listened to it, was quite impressed but she thought it was Indian :Umno: . Most funny was my friend when we talked about music and she "So, you listen to singing geishas?" :lol: Others friends don't have really similar taste, sometimes it's like I'm the only person which listen to rock/metal :? so, I don't even talk what I exactly listen to.. but recently I send a mixtape even with japanese music to my friend, I'm pretty curious, what he will say :D

  6. I have to be in mood for listening to post-rock (now I am). It's a little difficult for listening but awesome in the same time. When I first listened Mono's Hymn to the Immortal Wind I cried, it's amazing how intsrumental music can touch you so deep. It's not so long I discovered this genre though... What I really appreciate from this genre is that lot of those songs are loooong - even more intensive enjoyment, and classical instruments = music created for me but...

    bands I so far enjoy the most:

    té - are like an exception because I don't need to be in the mood, so far they're my favorite

    Godspeed You! Black Emperor


    夢中夢 - I'm not really a fan of high vocals but she's a big exception, the vocals suit the music very well


    Pelican - those are more heavy, it's a little unusual for me

    Death note soundtrack

    God is an Astronaut


    I give a try to Russian Circles :).. and even more I guess...

  7. your own wood records

    Permanent Members

    Vocal 紫 (Yukari, ex. 接?? (Kuchizuke))

    Guitarist Y (ex. ART CUBE)

    Support members

    Drummer AYAME (MIRAGE)

    Bassist 麗哉 (Hizumi, GARNET GRAVE)

    Band name

    If W'indoWs (because adding ' is so cool)

    Debut album

    Always seek every adversity

    Album Art



    little windows.

    Chances of success: little window. will have a big success, after a year they disband because of music diversity..

    Haha, that was a fun to make it :D

    I have a suggestion! -> What about using Deviantart instead of Flickr? There're lots of pictures disabled from downloading on Flickr and many pictures suit more for non-vk indie :lol: . Deviantart have a bigger chance to suit vk :)

  8. Hello everyone,

    First of all, I want you to check this. As you can see, it's pretty much empty. Why? Cause I removed all my music. I want you all to recommend me 5 artists that I should listen to, no matter what language or genre. I don't care, I want music.

    I promise that I'll listen to all of the bands recommended to me. Hell, I'll even download the full discography (as far as I can find it), even if I wont like the artist, so I might be able to find a song that I do like.

    Things already recommended to me can be found here.

    Please, everyone?

    I see Tokyo Jihen but I don't see 1. 椎?林檎

    2. 서태지

    3. Pr?ta vētra

    4. Gåte

    5. Animal Alpha

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