Hello! I'm selling some MoNoLith cds. They are all sealed except one. The condition is explained, by the way.
Here is the list: グローリア ⇒Sealed. 8€ Answer ⇒Sealed. 8€ グローリア/answer 【CD+DVD】 ⇒Open once but in good condition. 5€ innocent【PLAY】er ≫Fast:Forward ⇒Sealed but there is a crack on the case. 4€ fiction ⇒Sealed. 18€ Postscript 【CD+DVD】 ⇒Sealed. 10€ 3月2日、桜色。【CD+DVD】 ⇒Sealed. 10€ 白夜 【CD+DVD】 ⇒Sealed. 10€ Gravy Sauce 【CD+DVD】 ⇒Sealed but there is a crack on the case. 4€ SOLD BRAZEN 【CD+DVD】 ⇒Sealed. 22€ fiction & non-fiction 【CD+DVD】 ⇒Sealed. 22€ Aquarium (type A) 【CD+DVD】 ⇒Sealed. 10€ Aquarium (type B ) ⇒Sealed. 8€ Loving & Vicious Key (type A) 【CD+DVD】 ⇒Sealed. 10€ Loving & Vicious Key (type B ) ⇒Sealed. 8€
I also have some trading cards and 3 photosets. -Paypal only. (In euro) -Prices can be negociate. -Shipping worldwide. -Just ask if you have questions or need pictures...