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Posts posted by susel

  1. It's great if they can, but personally, I don't believe that a singer has to be able to write lyrics. The thing that matters to me is whether or not the singer connects with the emotion of the song.


    I think if you can't write (good) lyrics, it's perfectly okay to let someone else help you. Some people struggle to express themselves with words, and IMO it's better to let another band member or outside writer take care of it than it is to ruin good songs with awful, half-assed lyrics.

    ah, sorry, I surely didn't mean it like that. It is perfectly fine if the lyricist is not the vocalist, what I meant is - if there might be a situation where it'll be revealed that one of bands I like used ghost composer/lyricist, I'll get more upset about the ghostlyricist revelation 

  2. if we talk about bands playing songs not written by them - I'm completely ok with that. When they give credit it's excellent, they get a huge respect from me, yet the only band I know that does this is D=out. But they are clever, they take pretty popular songs and make covers and I'm completely ok with that, because you know what? They make that song theirs. They alter the sound, they alter the lyrics, they readjust and rearrange and add some beat and it turns into a different product. The product that I will like and listen to, because I like dauto's style and Kouki's voice and Reika's roaring bass.


    And that's why I'm also ok with the phenomena of ghost writers that aree not given credit. Cause ghost writer is not a ghost band. He/she may write the lead melody, but it will be done on guitar or piano, and drum'n'bass will be added on computer programm and once the band receive that song they WILL alter it. The drummer will readjusst his part and bassist too and guitarists will split their parts, play rewrite, and then the vocalist and arrangement and production, etc. They will play it live and it will change even more. And bit by bit they will also make that song theirs.    

    And when they write their own songs it goes the other way round, one guy from the band might be responsible for the demo but not the final product and yet no one rants about that when his name is indicated in the booklet. So what in all that mess will mean some stranger's name on a booklet for me? Not much. It is not that person's voice that sings the song, not that person energy that will drive me crazy during performance. If that person has received his payement and is ok with not being credited I'm also ok with my illusions. (Plagiarism is a whole different matter though)


    But that is the case if we're talking about a real band that write the majority of their songs and take ghostwriters as an emergency and not constantly. But seriously though who expects these bands to constantly rely on ghost writers when they aproximately release like 2 singles 1 album\minialbum a year? It will be far cheaper and safer to write some crap by their own hand or make a mix/remix/another version/voiceless to fill the space. And that's what most of my beloved bands do. And I'm ok with that as well :3 



    Though I must admit I'm not this careless when it comes to lyrics. I expect my fav.vocalists to write their own stuff and create their own world even if it means encountering horrible English and singing along the lines like 'sleep with my mother' lol

  3. ^

    guys, this is not your average jrocker this is KNZ

    He pulled off facial hair and short hair before and rocked blue eyshadows and red lipstick right after that.


    as for the news I'm only surprised by the fact that he and Chun will be separated. Can't wait to see who he will team up with.

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