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Posts posted by mizfurai

  1. Hi everyone! I'm more of a lurker in the previous TW, so this is technically my first post (excluding those 'thanks for this single' type of replies).

    Been into JRock for about 4 years now. I remembered my first song was from the GazettE - Reila. I loved the piano bits in the song and soon my thirst for more JRock grew. Did I mention that I didn't really like hard rock or screaming type before I listened to JRock? Well, I chanced upon Filth in the Beauty and from there, I was a fan of screaming type (but not songs with mindless screaming..melodic screaming? hahaha) to the point that the Pop genre didn't agree with me anymore. The next song was Utakata by Kagrra, and from there everything becomes history.

    Looking forward to more awesomeness in TW. <3

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