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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    Wow thats pretty cool! They're really popular Yeah, if you have any problem just call me right?! Haha not so many! I started following him o twitter today We just talked by Ameba some time ago but i didn't follow him yet
  2. Hey guys! Well, first of all sorry about my poor english. I know that many of you really want to talk to your favorite artists by twitter for example, but you can't write anything except 'ohayou' in japanese. Google Translator or other kind of translators are absolutely not effective...I also know that getting it make some of you guys really happy so i wanna help you to I can't talk japanese fluently, i didn't study it but its enough to them understand me, i think. (You can see some of the artists who replied me here) How i'll help you? Well, translating stuff for you. But please : ・ Be kind with me and dont make me translate bigggggg texts! ・ Be coherent, i refuse myself to translate stuff like "YOURE SO KAWAII MARRY ME PLS" Hm, there's some artists who reply easily (like indie bands) and others which are a little bit hard to...so you must think about some interesting stuff to send them! You can also get replies by Ameba, but not all of them do. Members of big bands usually don't. I just got from Masashi (VERSAILLES) and Mio (UNiTE), but got a lot from indies bands at least Okay, so lets start doing it! I hope i can help you guys!!
  3. ricchubunny

    as 90% of this scene haha I would be lying if i say i didnt like it...
  4. ricchubunny

    Hell yeah! Finally Schwarzschild live!
  5. ricchubunny

    Jupiter's debut album released on 08/28. I wasn't expecting too much since the first single was just...hm, nice. Not suuuuuuper good. But well, i must say i was surprised when i started listening this...! I wont writed a really detailed review cause my english really really sucks. I just wanna read everyone's comment 1 - Introduction : It already starts good! Such an awesome intro. Really Versaillesish too...Well, its good for a prelude! (--/10) 2 - Blessing of the Future : Not a really special song but i kinda like it. Don't have too much to say (6/10) 3 - Decadence : OH MY GOD THIS SONG IS SO...ASRHASGTHT. Loved it from the beginning to the end...so exciting! The lyrics are really good too. Want to listen to it at live. And well...it sounds like a Selia joined them to this song haha. Is that ZIN voice?! If so, he is more awesome than i thought! (10/10) 4 - RHYTHMOS : When it started i really thought it was a MASASHI's composition. I dont know why it sounds so MASASHI....haha. Also the bass lines are really good, what a nice slap! I also specially like this guitar solo! Good Job ZIN and Hizaki!! (7/10) 5 - Scarlet : A typical TERU song! His guitar on his own compositions are really characteristic! The chorus is catchy and stucked on my head. (9/10) 6 - Notsalgie : A beautiful ballad. Sometimes i felt bored listening to it but the chorus is pretty nice. Nothing else to say i think. (6/10) 7 - Heaven's Atlas : Another beautiful one! I like it more than Nostalgie cause i absolutely didn't feel bored. I think ZIN is such a good compositor. (9/10) 8 - ALLEGORY CAVE : Wow! This song is such a surprise right? I'm not sure if i liked ZIN guttural voice, but i absolutely loved this song. When i start listening it i just think "Oh god, i need to go to a Jupiter concert". The chorus is also awesome. (9/10) 9 - Symmetry Breaking : HOLY SHIT WHAT AN INTRO!! This song's instrumental rocks too much!! Also ZIN voice effect plus the way he sang in the chorus suits it very well. Awesome! (8/10) 10 - forever with you : My favorite song on this album. This intro is soooooooooooo adorable, and the whole song as well! Its just so beautiful... One of my favorite TERU compositions ever! (10/10) 11 - Atmosphere : I dont know what to say about this song. It's just...good? The solo is also awesome. (6/10) 12 - Classical Element : So that's Jupiter's longest song...Wow i can swear when ZIN started singing at first i thought "WTF KAMIJO?". I know it doesn't really sounds like him but it didn't sound like ZIN's voice as well! Haha was just surprised. And then he starts singing like in Symmetry Breaking. I think it made this long song doesn't sound boring...A good song to finish this album but i still prefer VERSAILLES 10 minutes+ songs... (7/10) 13 - Conclusion : Sounds like a movie conclusion! Just think they could include this on the previous song and make it a 13 minutes song instead of a 1:30 S.E haha. (--/10) Overall : 8,7/10 - Well it was a really surprising and good album! I got so excited to see this guys live! Hope the people who liked VERSAILLES also enjoy it.
  6. ricchubunny

    I was looking forward to it but... Louis 〜艶血のラヴィアンローズ〜 - Good song. A common Versailles song without guitar masturbation. Yeah, i was kinda enjoying it but wtf his voice in the end. Stahp Kamijo, stahp. 7/10 Grazioso - I WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED for this song. But its just short and boring. Really disappointing. 4/10 幻想トリアノン - Good song but nothing special... Easily forgettable one. 6/10 I thought i was going to like it more than Jupiter, but wow, Jupiter's album was lot more exciting...Hope his next release is better than that
  7. Wow Jupiter's album is awesome. Im surprised

  8. ricchubunny

    I think Sadisgate and Slivers.exe are their best release
  9. ricchubunny

    Since its a 'mini-album' probably the full album will be announced on 03/29 concert!
  10. UNiTE. announced in their 2 day one-man at Kawasaki CLUB CITTA' that they'll start their Road to the 3rd Annivesary projects. There gonna be 10 announcements, but they just unveiled 5 of them 1 - The Serial Story complete CD "美空結び(Misora Musubi)". Regular Edition will come with 5 songs, the 3 previous serial story singles and a new song "美空結び" plus 'off vo' version. Deluxe Edition will come with a book with all the stories and also a DVD including "美空結び" PV and making-of 2 - A Nico-nama broadcast 3 - Coupling tour with DOGinTheパワレルワールドオーケストラ(DOGinThePWO) 4 - 12/17 elite-U's FC limited concert at 代官山UNIT 5 - xxxxxxxx 6 - xxxxxxxx 7 - xxxxxxxx 8 - xxxxxxxx 9 - xxxxxxxx 10 - 2014.03.29 - U & U's - TOKYO - ??? -
  11. @Arithmetica indeed So basically they'll use GRIEVA when they copy today's VK bands? Looking forward to the Megaromania covers. Seriously. I'm excited.
  12. Are they trying to do that stuff which older bands do? Like MUCCxムック, ダウトxD=OUT...? I hope they aren't...
  13. ricchubunny

    Really? I dont know very well..Cause they were managed by PSC, so they dont need to schedule their lives by themselfs...? And noooo, they had dancers since 39GalaxyZ
  14. ricchubunny

    biggest lose to the scene this year, seriously
  15. ricchubunny

    I'm not so sure...Masato is their lider, he could stop it if he wanted to haha. And also, the dancers were there in the Mitsuru last live already XD
  16. ricchubunny

    They are. Thats why they opened a new OHP
  17. SuG Vo.武瑠(Takeru) will start his solo project "浮気者(Uwakimono)". He will release a mini-album titled "I狂U" on 2013/11/20 and will hold a solo concert at Yoyogi National Park Stadium on 2013/12/29. Source : SuG new OHP
  18. im kinda sure they gonna announce a full-album or a at least a mini-album at Citta
  19. Wasuremono won't be included in any future release
  20. ricchubunny

    Maybe because it dont exist? Im not saying "omg stop being happy for that", i just thought its funny lmao
  21. ricchubunny

    that sucks. His voice was really good and he was such a nice person
  22. ricchubunny

    ikr! but i'm not even argumenting now haha
  23. ricchubunny

    what do you mean exactly?:'D
  24. http://baka-natsu.tumblr.com/post/58439369855/i-felt-in-love-with-intro-it-was-very LOVED IT!! The intro lyrics ♥ oh god, this single gonna be awesome
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