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Posts posted by carry

  1. i got my tickets for muniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich x3

    i never thought i'll see them

    but i will

    -runs areound the room in circles-

    after 3 years of hoping i'm finaly gonna see them


    emmmm is anybody else goin there?

    i mean munich?


  2. sure sure you're welcome x3

    yeeeees on topic let's see XD

    oh oh i know

    cloud is out

    the new single

    and it's awshuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum

    really i like it loads

  3. Well, now I'm definitely allowed to go see them in London in October. <3 Happeh!

    awwww lucky you

    i hope i'll be able to go to munich^^

    or berlin

    but that's all so far from where i live


  4. olala

    i've seen them all x3

    and yes i agree kyo & toshie = sugar for eyes


    kaokao & die have like beer bellys


    and shinya...that boy is waaay to skinny

    somebody should feed him

  5. THE LAST EMPIRE is like the most orgasmic sex for the ears ever put on plastic and burned at 320kbps to ever exist in the realm of reality...yup

    very good x3

    even i couldn't describe that better


  6. ohhhh yes kaokao is nice too x3

    well my fav. is defenetly kyo^^

    and then it's toshie <3

    ummm then kaoru and shinya


    and the die



    but you're right they all rock

  7. yupiiii x3

    they're my nubmer 7


    or maybe 6

    hmmm i have to think about it x3

    ohh and about the new song i uploaded it for my orum so..i can give you a link^^

  8. waaaaaai

    i just listened to cold ruby


    i always loved kei now i love him even more x3

    and i agree with prism..they need a new album NOW


  9. I don't hate it..but I don't like it that much either xD''

    Rukis Voice is just....awesome XD'

    But yeah,they're staying No. 1 xD

    exactly x3

    gazerock will never die <3

  10. diru was my thrid band^^

    but they're now on second spot x3

    really tight ofter gaze <3

    kyo's voice is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gasmic

    and toshie -giggles- i like him lots x33

  11. yep nao's the oldest^^

    but i love him the most

    oki him and shou

    but maybe i love nao one itsy bitsy tiny spot more


    and they're new single is so nice

    specialy the last empire


  12. i like them a bunch

    they're probably one of my top 10


    no they defenetly are on of my top 10 XD

    jui's tighs = yummi

    but i like tero the most <3

    and the new song now...innocent teens waaaaaaa it's amazing

  13. Viored are one of my favourite bands. <3

    Whenever I listen to them I fall in love with Kei's voice. There's something so awesome about it.

    And Cold Ruby is my favourite song of theirs. It and Kusabi.

    yupiiiii i love kusabi too


    and the beautiful dead song^^

    kei is yummi x3

    and seiya too


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