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Posts posted by Rihitozoire

  1. @gyakutai - hmm, never been there.I've been only in Venice and Florence until now, and I love both of them <3.A friend of mine lived in Japan for a year or so and she said she wants to go back there because it was really awesome, so yeah..however, I still have to stay 4 years here, so there's enough time to decide =q=

    @.StranGè. - Hm, I don't think I'm in the Visual Noise Forum O.o'.Or maybe I am and I really don't remember haha XD.Thank You for the welcome! :3

  2. Yeah, I think so XD Kuroi Uzu is a really beautiful song <3

    Haha, you're from Italy?What City? O:

    Mh, I always wanted to go away.I'm not sure where because I love Europe too much and idk if I'll be able to move somewhere outside of Europe =q='

  3. @ Akopi - thanks =D

    @ gyakutai - yes, Crows are very undervalued ;__; They're a really awesome band tho.I don't know where I'll go yet.Japan is really far so I'm not sure if I'll move there.Probably in Italy or England.But I can't wait to move from here =w=.And thanks for the welcome!=D

  4. I've been on the old Tainted World too but I didn't post too much so I don't think someone remembers me haha =w=

    I guess I have to introduce myself...I'm never good at this kind of things, but let's see =w=

    Name: Anna (but pleaaase don't call me like that.I hate my name.)

    Location: Romania (yeah, that fucking country with vampires =w= I'll move from here in 4 years anyway ~)

    Birthday: 27 June (and I'm really proud to be a cancer)

    Hobbies: reading (note: I'm a bookworm), painting, music, playing guitar - and I'm too lazy to think about something else right now -

    Fav. bands: Nightmare, DELUHI, Awoi, Versailles, Girugamesh, 12012, LUNA SEA, MUCC, D, Crows, Fatima, heidi., Otogadead, cocklobin, dummy children, vistlip, EAT YOU ALIVE, lam., VelBet, amber gris, Core The Child, VII-Sense, LIX, nil delete heads, BAELSCOPE, gaudie, FeaDior and so on =w= (here's my last fm http://www.last.fm/user/Yggdalive)

    Weellll ~ I think that's all :3

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