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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by トカゲ

  1. トカゲ

  2. トカゲ

  3. トカゲ

    Sometimes shooting people in the face should be allowed as legitimate way to react to people's unbelievable idiocy...
  4. トカゲ

    Alice in Chains
  5. トカゲ

    Velvet Eden
  6. トカゲ

    Fiction - Akuma No Koi -Dizziness Of Lucifer
  7. Just wait, maybe you'll see them in near future. Speaking of down?
  8. トカゲ

    The new week didn't even start yet still it makes me already to want to vomit like the girl in The Exorcist. It's really time to get a new job so I can leave this fucking office with a boss and an office manager thinking they're ruling North Korea.
  9. トカゲ

    Touch Me, I'm Sick - Mudhoney Why don't you burn it?
  10. トカゲ

    is Cthulhu's buddy
  11. トカゲ

    HIM - Right Here In My Arms
  12. トカゲ

    Chris Cornell - Ave Maria
  13. トカゲ

    HIM - Our Diabolikal Rapture
  14. トカゲ

    Bush - Glycerine
  15. トカゲ

    After 2 years even I stopped believing this promise will ever be fulfilled.
  16. トカゲ

    @ -k∆-: Looks good! @ topic: Tea and some booze.
  17. トカゲ

    As male I have to admit that sounds pretty nice and cute.
  18. トカゲ

    Marilyn Manson - Personal Jesus
  19. トカゲ

    made me laugh
  20. トカゲ

    Anorexia Nervosa - Stabat Mater Dolorosa
  21. トカゲ

    10/10 loved the cold eyes from the 1st day
  22. トカゲ

    eats little children
  23. トカゲ

    Banned for not making me dinner.
  24. トカゲ

    answers in Japanse (?)
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