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Everything posted by ronluna

  1. ronluna

    is about to share a fanpic to her lol http://exephorous.deviantart.com/art/Kyo-vs-Kyo-112688773?q
  2. ronluna

    im wondering which band is in her playlist now?
  3. ronluna

    i feel the same way tooi hate also the troll haters the people who write like this MuZtA Na PoWHZ KaYOWz (WhAtZ Up PiPOLz) i hate the jejemons in our country YEAH ITS DEMOCRACY but LEARN TO WRITE IN A CORRECT WAY
  4. ronluna

    asking her hobbies today and probably listening to a j-rock music now
  5. ronluna

    told me the incident where she is annoyed with the fangirl who claims ruki her bf and telling her that there are many trolls like this one too http://www.youtube.com/user/thenewtitle26 a dizzy ex-derlanger fan beware
  6. ronluna

    asks her what happened between you and the fangirl and adding more of her favorite j-rock bands like SID and dir en grey. yeah sharing of favorites LOL i hope you like my favorites too.
  7. ronluna

    i looked at her facebook profile and liked some same interests like Utada Hikaru
  8. ronluna

    invited your two channels.
  9. ronluna

    "I'm a boring person~ there's nothing u need to know about me~ XD" -is not true at all yeah thank you for supporting me
  10. ronluna

    thank you very much for inviting me i added you as a friend now.
  11. ronluna

    and multiply too im happy to be her friend.
  12. ronluna

    Egao (smile)
  13. ronluna

    i learned many things from her here
  14. ronluna

    i will add her in facebook too
  15. ronluna

    asking her facebook account
  16. ronluna

    i hate this user http://www.youtube.com/user/thenewtitle26 if you miss dizzy so much dont post on any d'erlanger video again, annoying troll 8=> 8=> 8=> i blocked you. telling me what planet did i came from. this is my taste you know. our stupid conversation --> WHAT A CLOSED MINDED PERSON 8=> 8=> 8=> die
  17. ronluna

    has last.fm, facebook, twitter, livejournal and card.ly websites
  18. ronluna

    i will do something else
  19. ronluna

    i saw her pic in last.fm
  20. ronluna

    the youtube video has been claimedhttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8t8z8_cat-shit-one-promo-video_shortfilms the movie is cool
  21. ronluna

    they're always amazing me... >_>perfect girls(guys) i envy these guys the most funny and shocking part is when they talk
  22. ronluna

    they probably think they can fight overpopulation LOLits a business from the guys trying to built unique homes in lesser time they saw a factory of automobiles thinking its new. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/impossible-moves-towns-2805/Photos#tab-Photos/0 click for more
  23. ronluna

    MONEY to buy lots of things all DVDs, singles, albums of my favorite bands including rare ones a new cellphone a new company owned by me to satisfy my internet connection, pc problems and other personal problems a 1GB/sec modem 3 1TRILLIONGB COMPUTER harddisks MEMORY pack an airplane a ship a generator helpful when theres a brownout an antivirus a very huge billboard in my house a huge condominium owned by me a website a great video audio converter
  24. ronluna

    got it correctly but i forgot when
  25. ronluna

    l"arc - finale, sunadokei luna sea - i for you d'erlanger - alone, sad song
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