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Everything posted by ronluna

  1. ronluna

    cant understand what she said
  2. ronluna

    very fast poster
  3. ronluna

    one hour advance mistake telling her that its dawn here
  4. ronluna

    Member's Local Time Aug 10 2010, 08:21 PM
  5. ronluna

    i will dye it with black or yellow What would you do if I visit your house?
  6. ronluna

    noticed something before her
  7. ronluna

    should know that i only have it today
  8. ronluna

    has a last.fm too
  9. ronluna

    giving her http://www.last.fm/user/bsbron123
  10. ronluna

    lots of changes in his signature and visited my site
  11. ronluna

    status ...
  12. ronluna

    @gyakutai must know that it is like a huge website just click my multiply and see i teach you how. aion youre great yeah
  13. ronluna

    telling him that multiply is a social networking site and telling him to visit it.
  14. ronluna

    asks her interests
  15. ronluna

    the member who is no. at top posters today
  16. ronluna

    of course i love them yes would you like to perform with your favorite artist?
  17. ronluna

    at rare time i have only l'arc's buys dvds?
  18. ronluna

    i was done to me by an unknown cosplayer what would you do in my last.fm?
  19. ronluna

    i visted his site but i need his help
  20. ronluna

    kepp. if you want DIZZY too he is ex-vocal. he is in strawberry filed band.
  21. ronluna

    havent heard of it keep k y o's discography (all)
  22. ronluna

    i cant move and will be probably dead what would you do if you saw car bumping a pedestrian like a dummy?
  23. ronluna

    kicked bill gates company LOL
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