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Everything posted by metamorphoze12

  1. metamorphoze12

    What's that... the new planet? Nope... Are you excited gettin' back to school?
  2. metamorphoze12

    I dunno!... We just love them that's why!... OK. Fave a9 songs... I love FANTASY!!! I love, love, love that song!!! Is Saga the one singing the second voice? 'coz that's my fave singer... *lolz
  3. metamorphoze12

    Hahaha! funny! You know the SILLY GOD DISCO song... I always thought that's in pure japanese! I was schoked when I saw the lyrics... Most of it is in English!... I didn't understand what's Ruki's singing... And the chorus part where it should be Hey God, Are you ready... I thought that was Techno, Are you ready! La! harhar...
  4. metamorphoze12

    Uhm... guessed not. I'm starved... ahaha! Do you like checkin' someone else's profile?
  5. metamorphoze12

    Fine, you'll have you're TwinziE but I'll have Ruki-san!... XDD
  6. metamorphoze12

    No... I'm focus on what I'm doin'.... Are you hungry?
  7. metamorphoze12

  8. metamorphoze12

    Yah, yah... yaya! Ahaha... I liked Ruki's voice... I liked his style... sOo COOL!!! The way he changed his look gets me excited... Always new, always fresh... *spaz* Before, I thought the one on his neck is a tattoo but then again I saw him without it... I like that.... Adds sexiness in him...
  9. metamorphoze12

    So, it's settle then... SHOU - Shioin Emoto NAO - '-x-LeRei-x-' HIROTO - darkyuki TORA+SAGA - metamorphoze12 MINE! I've grabbed the two hotties!~ :evilgrin:
  10. metamorphoze12

    Yeah... the I stare to the side pose... or the I stare to whatever place I looked at pose! *lolz I liked Ruki! Relevance?
  11. metamorphoze12

    Ahaha... reminds me of Angry Beavers! *lolz
  12. metamorphoze12

    Here's my answer... WHATEVER! Haha... Ok, on to the faves... Who's your fave arisu nine?... You know my answer: SAGA+TORA Why? because! *lolz... Saga... I liked him because his smexy! I sOo in love with him when he did the infamous bass licked! Err... that's sOo nosebleed! Ahaha!... Tora... I liked his height. And he's damn good looking. I also liked his "bunny teeth" as darkyuki prefered it to be. I called it baby teeth... It's just starting to grow. LMAO!
  13. metamorphoze12

    Huh? That's weird... *lolz What were you doin' there... wondering? Anyways... There's no bee in the city... Guess not... No. Do you wash the laundry?
  14. metamorphoze12

    Kai? The leader... I'm not a Kai fan... I like him but not like like him you know what I mean? haha... I think he's sOo adorable whenever he smiles!... Aww... so cute! XPP The dimples are Love!!! I wish he should smile forever... I hate seeing his photos being serious... Not like him... He looked mature... He has the same pose over and over... I think! *lolz
  15. metamorphoze12

    Aio? from the GazettE... The other guitarist. Hehe... Well, my list just about it... I wanted to extend it but I'll just stick to what I have now... Priority is a must!
  16. metamorphoze12

    Yeah... saw it already... I think his nose is fine but I liked him with the noseband! He's suited that way... About the pix... Here... I don't think that Reita and Ruki looked alike... Huh?... can't picture it...
  17. metamorphoze12

    Haha... Moreover... Let's talk about Reita... Why do you think he's wearing a nose band anyways? Have you seen him without it?
  18. metamorphoze12

    Saw it and hate it!... That's not the Saga I used to love... Even for an artistic eye, I can't see the beauty of it! That's not Saga's thing at all! He's BALD!!! Err, that's over the top!... I don't like it... so NO!... Is your bedroom your sanctuary?
  19. metamorphoze12

    Yes! It's MIYAVI!!! You could even call him different names: ?-miyavi- -miyavi- Miyavi, Miyabi, MYV, oresama, meev, meevs, meever, 382 (kanji, can be read Mi-Ya-Bi), Miyaji, Miyao. But I just call him... Hubby for my sake! *lolz It's nuts!!!
  20. metamorphoze12

    Your lacking some sleep that's why your like that... *lolz Yep! I wanted to be treated like a princess... And my servants will be Gaze!!! Ruki on my side... *dream on*
  21. metamorphoze12

    the GazettE - SILLY GOD DISCO
  22. metamorphoze12

    I was just kiddin' haha! Yeah, at times... But I think he still looked good without it.. DEFINITELY! So, you wanna party? *lolz
  23. metamorphoze12

    Inventive word! Haha! Why envy the girl in the PV? She didn't do anything at all... She's just being fed like a pig!
  24. metamorphoze12

    Yeah... -miyavi- comes first in my list too! Then, Saga, Tora, Gackt, Ruki, Uruha, Aio, HYDE Ahaha!... so many! I forgot who captures my interest most... Hell again I think it's TORA+SAGA
  25. metamorphoze12

    I love Uruha's guitar play on SILLY GOD DISCO!!! Smexy Uruha!.... Sway it like it's hawt! *lolz
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