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Everything posted by metamorphoze12

  1. metamorphoze12

    Miyavi... Look at the meev's hat... Whatcha see? Looked at the pin carefully... <3
  2. metamorphoze12

    Yeah... plus I'm using dial-up that's why it isn't speedy... Science I love... Do you know how to put make-up? 'coz I don't... yay!
  3. metamorphoze12

    Book Grammar 101 you mean! Oy, a9 alert... stop the nonsense chat... :ph43r:
  4. metamorphoze12

    Ei, that's your twinzie... You excited?
  5. metamorphoze12

    HYDE - Shallow Sleep
  6. metamorphoze12

    Yes, that's right... Back to the topic~ *Kisu!
  7. metamorphoze12

    I don't make up words... Well, maybe I do sometimes... I hate milk!~ Never liked it... I hope so... My PC is out of control sometimes... Same playlist?! Yup!... My faves!~ Do you like to kiss and tell?
  8. metamorphoze12

    that's 'tard talk...
  9. metamorphoze12

    *ROFLMFAO!!!~ This is pure insanity!!! XDDD Yeah, hope no one steals your memento with POn... Ahaha... Sure... I even gave it to some others...
  10. metamorphoze12

    *lmao!... What I meant was PiaxPon are getting stronger everyday..
  11. metamorphoze12

    *lolz! So what's the stitch? any Gaze news? Wait.. is Reita's birthday yesterday... 'coz someone mailed me and said it was... I'm not aware of those things yah know~
  12. metamorphoze12

    You mean the book? If so, then Yes... If not, No~ *lolz! Do you like milk?
  13. metamorphoze12

    Yeah, other vids don't have subs but lucky me I've watched it with subs... Good thing 'coz I dunno much japanese... Btw, if you have LJ account, you could subscribe to oresama fansub... That's a community where they'd translate the movie little by little... *lolz here you go again~ That's fine anyways... I'm used to it! XDD I even liked it when you does this things... Makes me smile~ I'll answer that one if you may... They're going stronger everyday! XD Ahaha...
  14. metamorphoze12

    Same goes for me too! XP Nah, I'm not lookin' at the light bulb... I don't even lit the lights... I'm in my room, not that dark though~ Have you seen a ghost?
  15. metamorphoze12

  16. metamorphoze12

    Never have... No. You always put Hiroto in your post... Ahahaha!!! Crazy over Pon~ *lolz So, Is it bed time already?
  17. metamorphoze12

    You could always browse it... There's plenty of sites... Nope, her sickness isn't epidermic... I don't have so it's a NO! She's the only one who have it!~ And she's good at it! Ahaha...
  18. metamorphoze12

    Yah... I know that part... That's the beginning actually... The girl's so lucky! eekk! Miyavi licked the ice cream!... After that, some highschool girls get crazy over the ice cream... They wanted it badly! XP
  19. metamorphoze12

    TT^TT I haven't seen this movie yet! I've manage to watched a part but that's about it... I'm using dial-up so I's hard for me to watched this full time... Anyways... I liked -miyavi- here... *lolz And where he play soccer... love. And also when he's about to confront his mom... He run away... XD That's what I know...
  20. metamorphoze12

    Yep! Definitely! I have other pix too!!! 8D I'll post some again if I have the time... hehe..
  21. metamorphoze12

    Oh! I forgot to put it here... ZY ahem... ME! *lolz Photoshoot [White Prayer] Look...
  22. metamorphoze12

    Ok... Later... Uhm... Lets put this pix here... Ahahaha...
  23. metamorphoze12

    Yah welcome!!! Miyavi <333... OMG! The nipples is popping out! *lolz
  24. metamorphoze12

    Happy Burpday setsuna.xiii! *lolz!
  25. metamorphoze12

    alice nine. - FANTASY <333
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