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Takeru the jrocker

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About Takeru the jrocker

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch

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  • Interests
    alot of things ^^

    But mainly like anything and everything from Japan

    I like alot of anime
    my favorite right now is Fullmetal Alchemist

    I like all there music
    but my favorite band is L'Arc~en~Ciel

    I speak little japanese but want to learn more

  1. Takeru the jrocker

    I am happy because Oshare-Reita makes me happy ^ ^ you know who you are I love you
  2. Takeru the jrocker

    Jrock is the best and all other music cannot compare to it ^ ^ lol i just had that in my head lol
  3. Takeru the jrocker

    I am listening too 0:00 A.M. by ACID yeah they are awesome!!!!!
  4. Takeru the jrocker

    who are you talking about jake my sad little life story that has been heard? oh yeah everyone I am feeling alot better now still a little sick though
  5. Takeru the jrocker

    ok It has been a while since I have been on well now I am on again so I have healed a bit from the last post yeah just a little it is like on the front part of my body and I cover it with a huge bandage you can't see it it is under my shirt. So yeah I feel better but school they always make fun of me so yeah it sucks to be home and at school. I hate my life
  6. Takeru the jrocker

    Now I am an Emo Jrocker who is always in pain I am going to put up a new pic that superman one is a year old now so I will put up a new one in show yourself yeah!!!! ouch literaly. hey is it bad when you can like see your inside practically? cuz my parents don't take me to the hospital I just use painkillers for the pain.
  7. Takeru the jrocker

    ohh just wanted to know why do you care if I like died that's what I meant. I ruined my mom's life all I wanted was for a happy family but instead a bad one.
  8. Takeru the jrocker

    I live down south a bit in Kingsburg, California it is a small town man my finger hurts right now. but ok I won't but can I ask not to be mean but why do you care Rei?
  9. Takeru the jrocker

    are you sure I shouldn't? and it feels like it is. hmmm you live pretty close but still pretty far you are younger than me too I saw your myspace thingy srry.
  10. Takeru the jrocker

    Then my mistake was not killing myself earlier right? I am just a hurt animal to them nothing like a human just an animal to them that is all. But no more talking about that you guys must be tired of what I am telling you guys right?
  11. Takeru the jrocker

    don't worry painkillers work nicely I took a couple earlier right now I am just bleeding some I bandage up after I can't wait to go to school so I can finally get some sleep. I sometimes cry just because I cry doesn't make me a cry baby ok. but sometimes I wish that I would just die already or wish I had different parents. Rei you seem like a nice person why do bad things have to happen to good people?
  12. Takeru the jrocker

    I have tried but yeah they would tie me up have one of my parent's would tie me up drive me out somewhere and wait till the police come to the house search then when they leave we wold go home. Then I would get beat even harder I really don't care anymore I can't feel anymore I am so numb right now. I don't do anything at all they say like I ruined there lives and your a peice of shit a good for nothing nobody will ever love you stuff like that they would say that to me.
  13. Takeru the jrocker

    Damn that sucks for you I guess your in a tought time too. That sucks I get beat all the time yuperz I got beat last night and the night before that yup keeps on going and going and going but only where it isn't visible like on my body and not my face anymore. Rei are you a girl?
  14. Takeru the jrocker

    argh hate them both I... I just want to kill them you know I hate them they make me feel like shit all the time ok They don't care as long as they see me suffer that is all they want to make me so miserable.
  15. Takeru the jrocker

    Well actually I hate both my mom and dad I want to fucking kill them both I know what you mean but double that My mom is trying to keep me away from my Girlfriend don't know what my mom s problem is but I fucking hate her for that!!!!!!!!!!!!! ><
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