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Everything posted by volke

  1. volke

  2. volke

    Pizuya's cell - Sanji no Honey
  3. volke

    Cats... and mein coon race
  4. volke

    League of Legends (username: Voruka Yamato)
  5. volke

    Most people who likes The gazette are girls... why? because the are cute... now talking about sound DEG is more consistent than TG, have more memorable songs and less deceptions than the gazette... DEG owns TG
  6. volke

    Wordpress for dummies... (I work as developer (Junior))
  7. Addicted to this song (i hope find the full album in download) u.u
  8. EL velo- Tenebrarum (estados alterados cover) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUc5Mtj-phc
  9. volke

    Sounds weird and catchy... i liked it 8/10
  10. volke

  11. volke

  12. volke

    Eths - proserpina
  13. Longest: 6 months Shortest: 1 month actually: alone...
  14. volke

    is it college yet? - Daria
  15. volke

    Shin megami tensei Online
  16. volke

    mountain dew Juan valdez cofee beer Kamelot cd (poetry for the poisoned) especial diner from my ex .-.
  17. volke

    trying to finish a story that i'm writing
  18. volke

    Heaven in her Arms - Partiality of luminosity Eight
  19. volke

    Heaven in Her Arms - Echoic cold wrist
  20. volke

    4/10 why? because...i don't know...
  21. volke

    Invencibles by Throne of brotherhood /from colombia .-.
  22. volke

    nope is very normal have that typoe phobia i have a problem with necro stuff ( philia, necrophagia) I am weird?
  23. volke

    Proud to be an idiot - disgusted how do you call your inspiration?
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