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  1. Tarent

    Hopsin - Sag My Pants
  2. Tarent

    I ate some really, really hot chicken wings that made me light headed. They were amazing.
  3. Tarent

    and thus, -_-" This meme has lost it's shine with me.
  4. Tarent

    *in fake scotch accent* Very good laddie. I had good laugh.
  5. Tarent

    Kamelot - House on a hill
  6. Tarent

    http://i54.tinypic.com/i2mt94.png Yes.......my desktop is always this clean, I have OCD, Must. Be. Oganized!
  7. Tarent

    Yes, it's my name, and is not pronounced tear-int like most people automatically read it as. :-/ But, is pronounced Tah-rehnt.
  8. Tarent

    Odd....yet interesting.
  9. Tarent

    I agree and will join with you. Hazaa!
  10. Tarent

    People suck......seriously. :-/
  11. Tarent

    1:24PM Bristol, England
  12. Tarent

    Want. so. much.
  13. Tarent

    Wait, wait, wait.......what?
  14. Yeah, so I take a break from TW, come back and it moved here. Anyway, I wasn't well know in the last TW but my username was Tarent667.
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