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Everything posted by Rosicrucia

  1. Rosicrucia


    It's terrible that they disbanded... TToTT But I hope to hear something from Takehito's, Intetsu's, Kenzo's and Yumehito's band soon!
  2. Rosicrucia

    Oh, it's a pity that they left, I liked them much. T__T Wow, it's cool that KAZ likes Lacroix Despheres! I can't wait for the album! ^__^ Ah, btw, thanks for all the lyrics and so on, Kayako. *bows down*
  3. Rosicrucia

    Oceanborn is my favourite release of them, but I don't really like Tarja that much. Annete is a great singer, but this sopran-voice fits better to Nightwish, I think. :/ I listen to Tarja's solo, too, but after that I read this letter from Tuomas, Marco, Emppu and Jukka to her, she seemed way more dislikeable to me. Anyway, it's mostly about the music, and I love their music.
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