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About Arisu

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy

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  • Interests
    Music, games, drawing, friends, anime, manga, :)
  1. Oh my, it's there *_* I love you, thank you~~
  2. Somebody has this lyric? I can't find it It's so sad... Any lyric it's okay, kanji, romaji, english...
  3. Arisu

    Ride with the rockers x3 I know isn't really a song but I like it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSx93PrzAp0
  4. Arms FTW, ok... I need a hug *-* But I prefer a natural body xD
  5. Arisu

    because the stupid wind, my hair is a disaster @__@
  6. Arisu

    results: 2.330.000 images: 317.000 .__.
  7. Arisu

    The vocalist of Missalina Rei, I think is a cute nickname xD
  8. Arisu

    I'm drinking some coffee *-* Doing homework and planning what to do in the night *-* good morning! x3
  9. Arisu

    MY DEVIL IN THE BED is so explicit *o*
  10. Arisu

    Now I'm listening to music, I must do homework but I don't want lol
  11. Arisu

    This is so cute Me, noooow: I need cut my hair xDDD
  12. Arisu

    I sleep when I'm really bored u.u
  13. Arisu

    I miss Metis Gretel so much I don't like Megaromania at all (( They need to come back u.u
  14. Arisu

    He is so talented, and always has new ideas, I love his music~
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