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Posts posted by nutberry

  1. then i guess you probably wouldn't be too shocked :)

    as for me I don't like oshare kei (but i actually took a liking on Aicle first when i hear them), so i don't like the idea of letting an oshare kei band covering Raphael...

    I still miss Yuki's lovely voice 10 years ago :/

    he sounds...old...now ;(

  2. I don't know Dog in the PWO... But I think they will be better than this band.... :?

    Its full name is DOG inThe Parallel World Orchestra or DOG in The パラレルワールドオーケスト, you can find their PVs on youtube and everything. I don't know if you like bands such as SuG/An Cafe/other oshare kei bands, in my opinion DOG in the PWO's just like them but less well known ╮(╯_╰)╭

    i'll just wait for the album come out and listen to it, hope it won't be too bad :wat:

  3. I'm glad that you discovered them!! They're very talented, I think. :wub:

    I want shocking you a bit:

    That's a horrible cover of the Raphael song "Yume yori sutekina"... The vocalists have terrible voice and the guitarist can't play the solos without failures.

    This reminds me of something: there's a rumor (which i guess it's not a rumor anymore) that there's compilation album that's gonna be released next year for covering some of the 90's Visual Kei hits...and "DOG in the PWO" is covering the same song...

    I dislike DOG in the PWO ever since I knew them, from their oshare kei style outfits to music (...duh, I know a lot of ppl will be mad at me for saying this :? ), and knowing that they're covering one of my favorite band's song...my face went like this → ( ̄△ ̄;)

    I'll say I'd listen to that album just for fun then...

  4. actually he looks kinda weary and old without makeup (you can see these kind of pics in Neko's blog) >.<

    and I wish he gets well soon...

    (I'm kinda surprised to see so few replies here, I thought a lot of ppl on TW like them :? )

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