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Posts posted by Miki

  1. Hi

    We will celebrate a new show with you. It will be called "VISUAL X-MAS" and will take place on Thursday the 2.12.2010 at de helling in Utrecht. We are going to make an X-mas J-Rock Festival in Cologne and Utrecht first december week. The plan is to make the concert in Utrecht on 2.12 Cologne 3.12 and Berlin 4.12 3 bands will perform on stage and the first 100 visitors will get a free video with Live clips from the Utrecht Concert from Jap-Ro 2010. The names of the bands will be dropped here after the GUILD Concert in Cologne.



    Taken from the Visual Kei NL Forum

    cant wait for what bands it are gonna be! probb from starwave records as usual with steff

    Question .O.

    is it right that it'll be the 3rd in cologne ?

    because I read it'll be on the 4th >__<....

    and now I'm confused XD

  2. Now I am looking forward to your respons.

    And with that being said: No, I am not a huge Gazette fan myself. Like some, hate some.

    Um...sorry but it was just her opinion .__.

    I thought you're allowed to write it here and noone REALLy cares that much about it..

    and to be honest..it's funny to see that a lot of bands are criticised here and noone really makes a

    Huge response to it I mean it's a thread where you can tell who do you like or not?

    It's nice but...If it comes to Gazette and somome criticised them you begin to scream ?...


    It's sad to see sometimes that they get more attention then they deserve in my opinion...

    stand over it it'se her opinion (and to be honest my opinion aswell).

  3. Well...to put in my own 'hated' band.

    It's Gazette. OK, c'mon fangirls SHOOT ME but... What the hell makes them SO special that all of you are like "OMFG oiskhvcoishfeaiohfc I WANT A CHILD FROM YOU, RUKI bla bla bla whatever...“...

    Ruki isn't one of the greatest vocalists out there!...

    And there are even TONS of musicians who deserve way more fans than Gazette do.

    They just sound mainstream[ish] and boring.

    Their last releases were...SHIT.

    And they always sound the same O_O

    Really I mean... is that music ? Not really or?..and I had to lol so hard about their

    DIM ALbum XDD..half of it is just a 2 minutes intro I mean WTH.

    They can't even make a whole Album? Are they too epic?

    Maybe, well thanks Gazette for being too famous >D....

    Oh you're sooo right XD

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