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Posts posted by rarestlobster

  1. I'm looking for recommendations for Visual Kei bands that are dark and moody in the vein of the track 'Ominous' by The Gazette, preferably without screaming vocals. I'm really into anything with an oppressive, grim or bleak atmosphere. It's helpful if there's use of piano as well. Other similar tracks I've found are 'Until...' by Mejibray and '赤' by Dir En Grey.


    I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning because it's not really Vkei, but there's an album by Phantasm + FES (Fictional band from the Steins;Gate/Chaos;Head franchise fronted by Sakakibara Yui) who have done some albums that really fit this tone too, if anyone needs an extra point of reference.


    I know this is kind of a niche recommendation, but even if someone could recommend albums or songs it'd be great.

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