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Everything posted by merrik

  1. merrik

    It's... more than sad for me. I grow up with this band, and their music means a lot for me. I really do hope, that someday something will change and they will be able to come back, but...It's only hope and I don't think that it is really possible. Eh...It may happen with Tsukasa and Karyu. Zero some time ago, during interview told that he won't play in other band, if D'espairsRay will disband, or stop activity. Also Hizumi, because his health won't start new career. when he sings, he do it properly, but as far as I know (I am not specialist, I can only tell what I heard/read) when he screams, he don't. And most of VK vocalist have the same problem at all
  2. merrik

    we'll see in something about three weeks, how it'll be. Although I am rather optimistic. Or I am trying to be.
  3. merrik

    Well, I like his voice and music, and I am really curious how he'll be sing at YFC (its obvious that Gackt'll sing more, but well, I am curious what is an aim of second voc, at all)
  4. merrik

    Guess, he has new haircutXD Nice thing, if you ask me. Also, I am going to his concert in Poland, so I'll tell you, if it really "going worse", but honestly...I am not sure. I am weird a little but I kinda like his new style. And music...mostly. I hope his new album will be ok.
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