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Everything posted by PrEPsy

  1. PrEPsy

    "Long missed" by you only at best sweatie, no one else really cares for your brand of "comedy". The sooner this gets locked, the better.
  2. PrEPsy

    What kind of gay-obsessed bored hetty realness are you serving, my vikka.
  3. PrEPsy

    Question for heterosexual males: Is crawling like a cat Nick Jonas marketing himself for the dads or their daughters? Question for DILF chasers: Are they DL dads, or is he fishing for straight unsuspecting peen?
  4. PrEPsy

    Your mind truly works in interesting ways, @RebelRulesWorld! Personally, I never thought about that, and think all of their photos are marketed towards heterosexual women, but maybe the gay people of this forum can share their crawling like a cat experiences? Does doing so help seducing other gay males? (Is this how gays mate, by crawling like a cat and yowling at a particular frequency?) Does getting pregnant by band men who are assuming submissive positions help creating the dad-safe image for bands themselves? Do you think there're instances of dads impregnating band members by mistake?
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