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Posts posted by kyounoowari

  1. On 10/23/2017 at 8:49 AM, YuyoDrift said:

    Currently on season 3 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (yes yes, I have not seen this anime until now, kill me).

    While Season 3 does not "Wow" me like Season 1 did (Season 2 became meh about halfway through), it was "bizarre" to find out the origin of the new character.

    Of all the possibilities, I never would have guessed lol.


    I have been watching it too, you are not alone. I just don't like what they did to JoJo 2. They really changed him and sadly I feel not for the best.

  2. maybe we can all hope that the stuff can get better in six years when the new album may eventually come out considering Yoshiki had the spinal surgery. Maybe he can make it as intense as some of the old songs. Not much hope with this release though. At least their ballads are decent, at least in my poor opinion.

  3. Cooking is fun. I ten to like to barbecue more than anything, but can make a nice pot roast and protein in the slow cooker. I really like making bread too. That said, usually I am lazy as hell and just make sausages and steamed veggies for dinner. Ambition is hard.

  4. I love to open new ones, and seeing what they may have within for an extra.
    As for me, I guess the newest purchase was a preorder for Rain (limited edition B ) by Sekai no Owari. If that does not count, then it would be the towel and cd by slot machine, but that is almost not as interesting haha.

  5. Last one I went to was in April. I got to see Miyavi, Kiha and the Faces, and Slot Machine. It was an  awesome experience and you can see how close I managed to get. Miyavi himself did not play any complete song, but played bits of some and just shredded on the guitar. The crazy thing is, he really was not the best act of the night, he was great, but the others were awesome.


  6. On 3/28/2017 at 4:25 PM, Seiji said:

    Does anyone remember the name of that song with which goes like "IIIIIIIIIII WASHIN MY HAAAAAANDS - OBAH  ANDO OBAH, OBAH ANDO OBAH, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-AM INNOCEEEEEAAAAARRRRNT" and so on? oh there also was too much blood in his bathroom and stuff like that.



    Some things are better off not googling to find. This was the song you were thinking of, Poetic Assassin - Inverti in Darkness. It is like if the cookie monster decided to try and sing. The person in the background is reacting about how I would. 

  7. Hi, I have been a fan of jrock amongst other forms of music since 2010, and it is about time to say hi and participate a bit in discussions. If I had to pinpoint favorites, it would be hard, but I feel Sekai no Owari is up there for more mellow; Guild for visual Kei; and an honorable mention to Jikkendai Marmot. Hopefully I will be able to contriibute to this decent community.

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