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Posts posted by applesorbet

  1. On 3/14/2017 at 0:14 AM, chemicalpictures said:


    Really? I find Kotaku one of the best sites to get some news without being spoiled. I'm waiting for the inevitable XV PC port, as I don't own a PS4,  and I've read TONS of writings on XV there, and I still don't know shit of the story or major arcs or stuff like that. Same as Breath of the Wild, many great gameplay arcs, without a single mention of any spoile-y information


    If you snoop around their latest articles on Nier Automata you'll surely find it, I can't say how much of a spoiler it is tbh (since I'm only able to play it on Friday. PC release). And it wouldn't really make sense for me to force myself to read the article just to confirm that it wasn't something significant to the story.

    Either way, it has spoiled some of the fun for me now that I'm expecting this and that, at this certain point of the game (trying to sound a bit ambiguous here to not spoil it for anyone else).

  2. 7 hours ago, Platy said:

    Avoiding nier spoilers like the devil coz I'll only be able to buy it in 2 months.

    Also have managed to avoid XV spoilers, all the while fighting with people on YouTube as to why the DLC for this game aren't a rip off. I haven't completed xv yet but holy shit I can't wait to play episode Gladio.  It looks amazing  

    PS.  Is there anyone here who thinks the DLC is a rip off? And why? 


    You should totally stay away from Kotaku. Their writers are respectless as shit, spoiling the game with their headline even before the game even was out, not that spoiling the game a week after would justify it...

  3. 13 hours ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    this is just sad....

    they were one of my fave bands for quite some time and now everything they do is just boring....

    i know its 0:48 secs but i slowly but surely loosing all my hope for this band....

    Same here tbh, their first single dawn was so promising. Not sure if it's Starwave that messes band up... I tend to get bored by their bands pretty quick for some reason.

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