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Posts posted by Nekonack

  1. I don't feel particularly attached to either gender myself. I often dress in a fashion that incorporates elements of both, but not solidly in either. I'm not particularly androgynous looking and I'm far from perfect. I do like who I am though. :)
    Being a non binary can be lonely. Threads like this take some of the sting out of that. So I'm really happy to see it active again.

  2. 1.  Oyuugi wagamama dan x Paradeis
    2.  Megamasso
    3.  Cross Vein
    4.  Jupiter
    5.  Anonymous Confederate Ensemble
    6.  Decola Hopping
    7. Versailles
    8.  Magistina Saga
    9.  美女♂menZ
    10. Rides In Revellion


    Had to leave out many bands, but this is a 10 list after all.
    No particular order... except for Paradeis they are always number one!
    Yeah my taste in music flys against popular opinion here I'm sure, and it will no dought drive my zero rating into the negatives. That's fine though, someone out there won't laugh. Point and snicker maybe, but not laugh. :)

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